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Website: Current Location: Chennai, India
- Responsible to develop an open source framework (DevonFw) and also to develop web applications (backend java) for the clients as per Agile Methodology. Took part in all the scrum process meetings and also part of all SDLC.
- Java 11
- Apache Kafka, Apache Camel, JPA, Hibernate, Spring IOC, Spring MVC, Spring 4.0, Spring Boot, Spring Batch, Spring Security and devonfw.
- Git hub, Bit Bucket
- AssertJ, JUnit, Mockito, mock mvc, Cucumber (Backend application).
- Apache Tomcat and wildfly.
- Oracle, SQL Developer, H2 Database.
- JIRA, Confluence, Wiki Pages, Production Line.
- Eclipse, Intellij.
- Received award RISING STAR (2017-18) at Capgemini for being a quick learner and shown good results at initial stage.
- Received award FIRE FIGHTER (2018-19) at Capgemini for turning a major escalation project to a successful delivery
- Earned certification from HackerRank for passing the assessment in java.
- GNIIT (J2EE) Course at NIIT Chennai.
- Participated in Capgemini Technical Fiesta Contest β received 2st prize among the group of 25 for providing most optimized solution in a given time frame.
- Best Contributor Appreciations for Project contribution in Europe CSD Account at Capgemini.