diff --git a/scripts/transform_doxygen_html.py b/scripts/transform_doxygen_html.py
index 5b03511e7b..c68fda5b9d 100755
--- a/scripts/transform_doxygen_html.py
+++ b/scripts/transform_doxygen_html.py
@@ -742,9 +742,12 @@ def parse_individual_file(html_path, html_file, complete_json_mappings, updated_
title_text = get_document_title(root, html_file)
# get only the relevant content
contents = root.find(".//div[@class='contents']")
- # prep and write the adoc
- final_output = stringify(contents)
- adoc = make_adoc(final_output, title_text, html_file)
+ if contents is not None:
+ # prep and write the adoc
+ final_output = stringify(contents)
+ adoc = make_adoc(final_output, title_text, html_file)
+ else:
+ adoc = None
except Exception as e:
exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info()
print("ERROR: ", e, exc_tb.tb_lineno)
@@ -778,8 +781,11 @@ def handler(html_path, output_path, header_path, output_json):
adoc, h_json = parse_individual_file(html_path, html_file, complete_json_mappings, updated_links, h_json)
# write the final adoc file
adoc_path = re.sub(".html$", ".adoc", this_output_path)
- write_output(adoc_path, adoc)
- print("Generated " + adoc_path)
+ if adoc is not None:
+ write_output(adoc_path, adoc)
+ print("Generated " + adoc_path)
+ else:
+ print("--------- SKIPPED " + adoc_path)
toc_list = []
toc_list = parse_toc(h_json, toc_list)