For the complete spec visit The information below is extracted from that page for reference within this project
Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:
- MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes
- MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards compatible manner
- PATCH version when you make backwards compatible bug fixes
Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format.
To use the SemanticVersion library in a SwiftPM project, add the following line to the dependencies in your Package.swift file:
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0"),
Include "SemanticVersion" as a dependency for your executable target and finally, add import SemanticVersion
to your source code.
The main type of this project, SemanticVersion
conforms to both Codable
and LosslessStringConvertible
. Under the hood, both are achieved by the LosslessStringConvertible
All of which is to say that a SemanticVersion
can be instantiated from a string:
let version = SemVer("14.4.1")
// version.major == 14
// version.minor == 4
// version.patch == 1
encodes/decodes with a string representation, so when used with a text based encoding, such as JSON, it forms a drop in replacement for an existing implementation that represents version information as a string conforming to SemVer 2.0.0.
For this example the starting point is a simple type representing a book, with a name and version.
struct Book: Equatable, Codable {
let name: String
let version: SemVer
As the properties of Book
both also conform to Equatable
and Codable
, nothing extra is needed.
let book = Book(name: "Alice in Wonderland",
version: SemVer("14.4.1")!)
let encoder = JSONEncoder()
encoder.outputFormatting = .prettyPrinted
let data = try encoder
let string = String(data: data,
encoding: .utf8)!
let decoded = try JSONDecoder()
.decode(Book.self, from: data)
// decoded == book
Note The usage of forced unwrapping in this documentation is for brevity and not suitable for production code.
The console output of the print
line will resemble this:
"name" : "Alice in Wonderland",
"version" : "14.4.1"
A major motivating factor in SemVer is to allow comparison of version strings. SemanticVersion
attempts to provide a native Swift implementation of the comparison in the specification at
The comparision operators are provided to enable specification compliant checks:
let fourteenFourOne = SemVer("14.4.1")!
let fourteenFourTwo = SemVer("14.4.2")!
// fourteenFourOne < fourteenFourTwo ✅
// fourteenFourTwo > fourteenFourOne ✅
For more detailed usage examples and how this implementation handles prerelease and build meta data see the unit tests.
A guide to contributing to this project can be found at
The code style and conventions used in this project can be found at
All content is licensed under the terms of the MIT open source license.