A wrapper solution for converting various video formats to GitHub-supported ones (e.g. gif) to share code demos.
Open Mac's terminal and complete the following steps.
Install brew (skip if you have it):
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
Install "ffmpeg" (skip if you have it):
brew install ffmpeg
Link ffmpeg
brew link ffmpeg
Use command+shift+5 to take video with native Apple software. After you stop recording, the file should be saved to desktop by default (can be changed to ./input). Drag/drop this video file into the input folder inside "gif-wrapper".
Open Mac's terminal and complete the following steps
Navigate to gif-wrapper folder; if it's on your desktop, the command would be:
cd ~/Desktop/gif-wrapper
Example use, after placing input files in ./input, would be:
./script/ffmpeg-batch.sh mov gif ./input ./output '-r 30 -vf scale=720:-1'
In the example above, the ffmpeg script converts any MP4 file in ./input to gif format. You can use different formats for either input and output. The frame rate in that example is set to 30 frames/sec; scaling 720px, while keeping the original aspect ratio. The gif you created will be saved to the ./output folder of the gif-wrapper directory.
IMPORTANT TIP: After running the script, move ./input files to the archive folder. Since this works on multiple files at once, anything contained in ./input will be used/converted.