Release v0.9.1
Pre-releaseRelease Notes
Version v0.9.1 of the ALICA Framework is an orchestrated release that includes four repositories:
- alica (this repo)
- alica-essentials v0.9.1
- alica-supplementary v0.9.1
- alica-plan-designer-fx v0.1.1.1315
The most recent paper about the ALICA Framwork is the following. Please cite it when you are utilising the ALICA Framework in your work or compare your work with it.
Opfer, S., Jakob, S., Jahl, A., & Geihs, K. (2019, September). ALICA 2.0 - Domain-Independent Teamwork. In Joint German/Austrian Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Künstliche Intelligenz) (pp. 264-272). Springer, Cham.
ALICA Program Serialisation Format
This release includes a major revamp of the data format for serialised ALICA programs. While in Version v0.9.0, the ALICA Framework utilised an XML format generated by an antiquated desktop version of the Plan Designer. In Version v0.9.1, the ALICA Framework utilises JSON for serialised ALICA programs and includes a revamped version of the Plan Designer.
Behaviour Execution/Thread Synchronisation
Another major change is the introduction of general configurations. Before, configurations where only available for behaviours. Now, plans and plantypes can be configured as well.
Configuring the ALICA Engine
In Version v0.9.0 the ALICA Engine depended on an antiquated and custom configuration-management library called SystemConfig. This was removed from the engine and replaced by a simple, yet more effective and versatile YAML-based configuration handling that is now part of the engine itself. Therefore, we could drop the dependency towards SystemConfig completely, which is one less Singleton we have in our framework.
In Version v0.9.0 there were no guarantees that the Init, Run, and Terminate functions of a behaviour are called in the mentioned order, in case the same behaviour is stopped and started repeatedly. This has been fixed by improving the thread synchronisation and execution.
The desktop version of the Plan Designer had a different quantifier type than the engine was expecting. This is adapted to be consistent as well.