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Community guidelines

Philippe Renard edited this page Nov 5, 2017 · 11 revisions

Welcome ! We appreciate very much your interest in using and or contributing to hytool and hope that it will help you interpreting hydrogeological data.

hytool contains a rather large number of analytical solutions for the interpretation of hydraulic tests around wells. But there are still many solutions that are not available because of limited times to code them. Extending the code to other analytical solutions or to include tracer tests would be very much appreciated.

A translation of the code in python or Julia is also a project that is pending. Some preliminary atempts have been made in Python and in R, but they are still incomplete and some contributions from the community could be very valuable to all.

How to use hytool

The simplest to use hytool is to follow the installation procedure and to look at the basic example in the matlab documentation.

How to contribute


The preferred workflow for contributing to hytool is to fork the hytool repository <>_ on GitHub, clone, and develop on a branch. Steps:

  1. Fork the array_split repository <>_ by clicking on the 'Fork' button near the top right of the page. This creates a copy of the code under your GitHub user account. For more details on how to fork a repository see this guide <>_.

  2. Clone your fork of the array_split repo from your GitHub account to your local disk::

    $ git clone $ cd array_split

  3. Create a feature branch to hold your development changes::

    $ git checkout -b my-feature

    Always use a feature branch. It's good practice to never work on the master branch!

  4. Develop the feature on your feature branch. Add changed files using git add and then git commit files::

    $ git add modified_files $ git commit

    to record your changes in Git, then push the changes to your GitHub account with::

    $ git push -u origin my-feature

  5. Follow these instructions <>_ to create a pull request from your fork. This will send an email to the committers.

(If any of the above seems like magic to you, please look up the Git documentation <>_ online.

Coding Guidelines

  1. Unit test new code using python unittest <>_ framework.

  2. Ensure unittest <>_ coverage is good (>90%) by using the coverage <>_ tool::

    $ coverage run --source=array_split --omit='logging,unittest,rtd' -m array_split.tests $ coverage report -m

  3. Ensure style by using autopep8 <>_ and flake8 <>_ compliance::

    $ autopep8 -r -i -a --max-line-length=100 array_split $ flake8 array_split

  4. Use docstrings for API documentation and ensure that it builds with sphinx (without warnings) and renders correctly::

    $ python build_sphinx

    produces top level html file docs/_build/html/index.html.

Code of Conduct

array_split adheres to the Python Code Quality Authority’s Code of Conduct <>_.

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