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To start developing K3k you will need:

  • Go
  • Docker
  • Helm
  • A running Kubernetes cluster



set -euo pipefail

# These environment variables configure the image repository and tag.
export VERSION=dev-$(date -u '+%Y%m%d%H%M')

make push
make install


To see all the available Make commands you can run make help, i.e:

-> % make help
  all                            Run 'make' or 'make all' to run 'version', 'build-crds', 'build' and 'package'
  version                        Print the current version
  build                          Build the the K3k binaries (k3k, k3k-kubelet and k3kcli)
  package                        Package the k3k and k3k-kubelet Docker images
  push                           Push the K3k images to the registry
  test                           Run all the tests
  test-unit                      Run the unit tests (skips the e2e)
  test-controller                Run the controller tests (pkg/controller)
  test-e2e                       Run the e2e tests
  build-crds                     Build the CRDs specs
  docs                           Build the CRDs docs
  lint                           Find any linting issues in the project
  validate                       Validate the project checking for any dependency or doc mismatch
  install                        Install K3k with Helm on the targeted Kubernetes cluster
  help                           Show this help.


To build the needed binaries (k3k, k3k-kubelet and the k3kcli) and package the images you can simply run make.

By default the rancher repository will be used, but you can customize this to your registry with the REPO env var: make

To customize the tag you can also explicitly set the VERSION:

VERSION=dev-$(date -u '+%Y%m%d%H%M') make


You will need to push the built images to your registry, and you can use the make push command to do this.


Once you have your images available you can install K3k with the make install command. This will use helm to install the release.


To run the tests you can just run make test, or one of the other available "sub-tests" targets (test-unit, test-controller, test-e2e).

We use Ginkgo, and envtest for testing the controllers.

The required binaries for envtest are installed with setup-envtest, in the .envtest folder.

CRDs and Docs

We are using Kubebuilder and controller-gen to build the needed CRDs. To generate the specs you can run make build-crds.

Remember also to update the CRDs documentation running the make docs command.

How to install k3k on k3d

This document provides a guide on how to install k3k on k3d.

Installing k3d

Since k3d uses docker under the hood, we need to expose the ports on the host that we'll then use for the NodePort in virtual cluster creation.

Create the k3d cluster in the following way:

k3d cluster create k3k -p "30000-30010:30000-30010@server:0"

With this syntax ports from 30000 to 30010 will be exposed on the host.

Install k3k

Install now k3k as usual:

helm repo update
helm install --namespace k3k-system --create-namespace k3k k3k/k3k --devel

Create a virtual cluster

Once the k3k controller is up and running, create a namespace where to create our first virtual cluster.

kubectl create ns k3k-mycluster

Create then the virtual cluster exposing through NodePort one of the ports that we set up in the previous step:

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
kind: Cluster
  name: mycluster
  namespace: k3k-mycluster
      serverPort: 30001

Check when the cluster is ready:

kubectl get po -n k3k-mycluster

Last thing to do is to get the kubeconfig to connect to the virtual cluster we've just created:

k3kcli kubeconfig generate --name mycluster --namespace k3k-mycluster --kubeconfig-server localhost:30001