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Size property of P4 tables and parser value sets

It would be convenient for users of P4 programmable devices if objects such as tables and parser value sets could behave in a way where their capacity automatically adjusted to match the number of entries added by the control plane software. (Everywhere later in this document where we say "tables", the same also applies for "parser value sets").

For some P4 implementations, this flexibility can be difficult or impossible to implement in a way that causes no disruption in packet processing. It should be straightforward to adjust table sizes in any P4 programmable device by loading a new P4 program into the device, but loading a new P4 program typically involves at least a brief period of time where no packets are processed, e.g. typically tens or hundreds of milliseconds, depending upon the device and the kinds of P4 program changes made. A disruption of this length of time is often noticeable by applications, and network operators often wish to know in advance what kinds of operations will cause such packet processing disruptions.

For the highest performance ASIC, FPGA, and NPU implementations of P4 programmable devices, it is thus often necessary to give to the P4 compiler some indication of the desired size of tables, so that the appropriate hardware resources can be dedicated for that table.

When it is necessary to specify a size for a table, it would be very convenient if one could simply say "I want this table to be able to hold 1024 entries" (or some other desired number), and the resulting table would be able to hold any arbitrary set of 1024 entries that you attempted to add via the P4Runtime API, never failing to add a new entry (unless the table already contains 1024 entries).

This is possible in some situations, but there are practical implementation issues that often make this an unrealistic goal.

The highest performance implementations often use TCAM and hash tables to implement P4 tables -- TCAM for P4 tables with ternary, range, and/or lpm match fields, and hash tables for P4 tables with only exact match fields. These are not the only implementations possible for such tables, but it is challenging to improve on their lookup rate performance versus power and ASIC die area, which is why they are commonly used for these purposes.

For these highest performance P4 implementations, here is a summary of what is possible.

Cases where capacity is predictable and 1-to-1

The following cases are typically easy to provide a predictable 1-to-1 correspondence between table entries added from the control plane, and the number of physical entries consumed in the data plane:

  • A P4 table where all fields have a match_kind that is one of ternary, lpm, or exact, where the P4 compiler selects a TCAM as its data plane implementation.

  • A P4 table where all fields have a match_kind that is exact, where the P4 compiler selects a (binary) CAM as its data plane implementation.

  • A P4 table where all fields have match_kind exact, the total width in bits of all search key fields is W bits, you request a table with 2^W entries, and the P4 compiler selects a normal memory such as an SRAM as its data plane implementation, and uses the W bits of the search key fields as the address to read in this memory. (Example: the search key fields total 10 bits, you ask for 1024 table entries, and the P4 compiler chooses to implement this with a 1024-entry SRAM, using the 10 bits as a read address into this 1024-entry SRAM, with no hashing done at all).

In these cases, if you request a size of N for a table, it should be straightforward to guarantee that attempting to add a table entry always succeeds, as long as the table currently has less than N entries installed. It would always fail to add a new entry if the table already contained N entries.

Note that there is no way in P4 to specify what kind of implementation a P4 compiler will choose for a table. Individual P4 compilers may implement ways to do so, but they are expected to be target-specific.

Cases where capacity is predictable, but 1-to-many

The following case provides predictable capacity, as long as you know precisely how the implementation converts fields with the range match_kind into TCAM entries, which can be 1-to-1, but in general can be 1 control plane entry to many physical table entries:

  • A P4 table where all fields have a match_kind that is one of range, ternary, lpm, or exact, where the P4 compiler selects a normal TCAM as its data plane implementation.

In this case, as long as you understand how many physical table entries are consumed for each control plane entry, the table capacity is as predictable as described in the previous section. The table's capacity is predictable in the number of physical table entries supported, but how many entries are supported as counted by the control plane software is dependent on the particular ranges used.

Cases where capacity is not predictable with 100% certainty

There is only one remaining case. Not that the majority of the tables in the example open source program switch.p4 are likely to fall into this case in a practical implementation. While it is possible for a P4 target to use table implementations with predictable capacity like TCAM or CAM as described above, those hardware implementations are significantly more expensive in power and area per bit of storage, and thus impractical for large tables.

  • A P4 table where all fields have match_kind exact, the total width in bits of all search key fields is W bits, you request a table with less than 2^W entries, and the P4 compiler selects one of the hash table implementations described in the "Background details" section below.

Because the capacity of a hash table is dependent upon the hash function(s) used, the keys installed, and in some cases even on the order of operations performed that led to the current state, there is no way to guarantee that these kinds of hash tables will be able to hold a large number of entries. In practice, one can often make statements such as "with 99.9% probability, this table will be able to hold at least N entries".

What should a P4 compiler do if a P4 program requests a size of N entries for a table where it selects one of these data plane implementations?

One straightforward way would be to select a hash table implementation where if you were very fortunate, and were able to achieve 100% utilization of every entry of the hash table, it holds exactly N entries. However, this seems unlikely to be what someone would want to happen when they request a table size of N entries.

Less straightforward would be to choose a raw capacity for the hash table, and perhaps also an overflow TCAM paired with it, such that it is very likely that any given set of N keys would be successfully added. During operation, it is possible, but unlikely, that attempting to add a new entry could fail, when there are currently less than N entries installed.

In such a case, it would be easy to implement the P4Runtime server/agent software of that target to automatically fail any attempt to add strictly more than N entries, even if the hash table implementation chosen could support it. Alternately, it would be easy to implement that software to always allow the table addition if room can be found, even if that would lead to more than N entries installed at one time. This is a design choice for the software, and what choice is preferable in a given system may be dependent on other goals of the overall system design.

Cases not examined here

This document does not attempt to categorize how tables with the action profile or action selector implementations behave, as it seems there are multiple different implementations that various P4 implementers have in mind for precisely how these work in the data plane, and it is not yet clear to this author how much variety this includes.

Background details on some fast P4 table implementations

Here by "fast" I mean: capable of a search rate of 1 to 2 billion searches per second per 'pipeline', with deterministic search rate, without having to use multiple parallel copies of tables, using ASIC technology available in 2018.

We will evaluate several methods of implementing tables in terms of these factors:

  • lookup performance - O(1), or O(f(N)) where N is the number of table entries, and f is some function of N that typically grows with N. O(1) means that a constant number of hardware operations are required for each table search. O(log N) means that a number of hardware operations that grows with the logarithm of N is required for each table search operation.

  • correspondence - Or more fully, the correspondence of control plane table entries to physical table entries. Often there is a 1-to-1 relationship here, but there are cases where adding a single table entry from the control plane requires adding multiple physical table entries.

  • capacity predictability - Whether the number of physical table entries that can be added is deterministic, regardless of the contents of the table entries, or whether the number is dependent on the contents of the table entries, and/or the order the table operations are performed.


Every entry of the TCAM contains a W-bit value and a W-bit mask. Every time a search is done with a W-bit key, every entry of the TCAM determines in parallel, independently, whether it matches the search key by calculating:

(value & mask) == (search_key & mask)

Then some priority-encoding logic determines the first among all entries that match, and constructs its index.

Such a device is capable of implementing the ternary match_kind in P4. It can also implement lpm and exact match_kinds by use of appropriate masks stored within the entry.

This is among the most general kinds of devices for implementing a table, and also the largest per entry bit in area (every bit of TCAM requires storing both a value and a mask bit, and requires a little bit of comparison logic), and consumes the most power.

  • lookup performance: O(1)
  • correspondence: 1-to-1 for exact, lpm, and ternary entries. 1-to-many for range entries.
  • capacity predictability: deterministic; a TCAM with N entries can always hold exactly N physical table entries before it is full.

TCAM with enhancement for range matching

Same as TCAM, except that correspondence should be 1-to-1 for range entries, as long as the hardware has support for the range fields of the P4 table.

TCAM with mask restrictions

Same as TCAM, except capacity predictability is significantly diminished. The number of physical entries that can fit into the TCAM depend upon the variety of masks in the set of physical entries. If there are too many such masks, the set of entries will not fit.


A CAM is like a TCAM, except every entry has only a value, and every entry can only do exact matches against the search key, because when a search is performed every entry calculates whether it matches by doing:

value == search_key

It is lower in area and power than a TCAM, but is still more expensive in area and power than an SRAM with the same size in bits, due to the parallel comparison logic. It can only implement the exact match_kind.

  • lookup performance: O(1)
  • correspondence: 1-to-1 for exact entries. Cannot implement lpm, ternary, or range matching.
  • capacity predictability: deterministic; a CAM with N entries can always hold exactly N physical table entries before it is full.

hash table with 1 hash function

Only 1 hash function used by the entire table.

The keys are stored in a memory, which is an array of 'buckets', where each bucket holds a constant number of keys B. Every time a search is performed, one entire bucket worth of B keys is read, and all are compared in parallel to the search key.

  • lookup performance: O(1); every search requires reading 1 memory entry containing exactly B entries.
  • correspondence: 1-to-1 for exact entries. Does not support ternary, lpm, or range fields.
  • capacity predictability: Can guarantee that at least B entries can be added, but any entry one attempts to add after that point might fail, even if there are many empty slots in other hash buckets.

Aside: A degenerate case of a hash table with 1 hash function contains only 1 entry, with B buckets. This is identical to a CAM.

Using values of B much smaller than the number of entries in the hash table is typical, e.g. some number in the range of 2 to 8. B larger than 1 allows a limited number of collisions to occur before adding a new key to a bucket fails.

hash table with H hash functions

There are H different hash functions, all of which are calculated for every search key. There are H separate memories, each an array of buckets with B entries each. Every time a search is performed, exactly H buckets worth of entries are read, one from each memory, and all H*B entries are compared in parallel to the search key.

Properties are nearly identical to a hash table with 1 hash function, except we can now guarantee H*B entries can be added before failures become possible.

  • lookup performance: O(1); every search requires reading H memory entries, each containing exactly B entries.
  • correspondence: 1-to-1 for exact entries. Does not support ternary, lpm, or range fields.
  • capacity predictability: Can guarantee that at least H*B entries can be added, but any entry one attempts to add after that point might fail, even if there are many empty slots in other hash buckets.

Increasing H above 1 is more expensive than H=1, but H=2 or H=4 is often found to improve the utilization of the hash table entries enough to justify the extra hardware cost. (TBD: citation).

Dependence on order of table operations

There is a subtle property of hash tables with H > 1 hash functions, in which it differs from the kinds of tables described earlier. When adding new entries, there are now H different choices of where to install the new entry (unless some of those H buckets become full -- then there are fewer choices).

The choices made by the algorithm that installs new entries could be different depending upon the sequence of operations done that led to the current state. Thus it is common that there are two different sequences of add/remove operations that end with the same set of installed keys, but the state is different.

It is possible that attempting to add a new key K might succeed in one of those states, but fail in the other.

The success or failure of attempting to add a new entry is now dependent on the order of operations done to reach the current state.

That is not the case for a hash table with 1 hash function. An algorithm for adding new entries has no choices, so the occupancy of each bucket is always the same, given the same set of installed keys, no matter what sequence of operations led to that set of keys being installed.

The usable capacity of TCAMs also does not depend on the order of add/remove operations. The number of write operations required to the hardware can depend on the order of adding/removing entries, since maintaining entries in a specified priority ordering may require more "entry moves" when adding entries in one sequence versus adding them in a different sequence. However, that does not change the fact that as long as one is willing to perform the needed entry moves, the usable capacity is still deterministic.

hash table with 1 hash function and overflow TCAM

This is the same as a hash table with 1 hash function as described above, except now there is also an "overflow TCAM". When a search is performed, the same operations as described earlier are performed for the hash table, and in parallel the TCAM is also searched for the same key. A match occurs if either of these searches finds a match.

A relatively small overflow TCAM size can increase the expected utilization of a hash table significantly. (TBD: Citation).

Such a design can be made independent of the order of table operations performed, or not, depending on the algorithm chosen for adding and deleting table entries.

hash table with H hash functions and overflow TCAM

The same as the hash table with H hash functions, plus an overflow TCAM that is searched in parallel, as described in the previous section.

hash table using perfect hashing

Hash tables using perfect hashing have been extensively studied. To my knowledge, they are excellent for a set of keys known in advance that rarely or never changes. They require a large amount of computation to determine whether a new set of keys can be supported, compared to any of the hash table techniques described above. I have never seen such a thing used in a switch ASIC before.

algorithmic TCAM

There are many research papers and commercial implementations of doing TCAM-like searches but without using TCAM hardware, i.e. using mostly SRAM and/or DRAM. All techniques I am aware of here either cannot go "fast" as defined above, or have capacity that is dependent upon the contents of the table entries.

Longest-prefix match tries

Again, there are many research papers and commercial implementation of implementing longest-prefix match behavior using trie data structures in software, and in hardware. They typically have search rate and table capacity that is dependent upon the table entries installed.