Author: Mitchell Fogelson
Note I am not affiliated in any way the developement of Dorna Arm
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
Download Dependencies:
cd ~/catkin_ws
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro=ROSDISTRO -r -y
Note: See dorna_ros for more detailed instruction including how to install Dorna arm API and udev rule
Dorna Robot ROS:
See dorna_ros for more information
roslaunch dorna_ros dorna_ros.launch
Dorna Gazebo Simulation:
See dorna_gazebo for more information
roslaunch dorna_gazebo dorna.launch
rosrun dorna_nodes
dorna_control: This package interfaces with ros_control to allow moveit to control the Gazebo model
dorna_description: This package is Xacro and URDF descriptions that interface with Rviz and Gazebo.
dorna_gazebo: This package simply launches the various models both Dorna and enviornment related.
dorna_moveit_config: This package controls all the moveit interface with both gazebo and the real robot
dorna_nodes: This package contains any nodes that may not directly fit within the other packages mentioned above
dorna_ros: This package interfaces with the actual robot.