Lab Program List
- Write a C++ Program to swap Two Numbers without using third variable.
- Write a C++ Program to find all roots of a Quadratic Equation.
- Write a C++ Program to find Fibonacci Series.
- Write a C++ Program to Check given number is Prime number or not.
- Write a C++ Program for addition of Two Matrix.
- Write a C++ Program to show Constructor and Destructor Example.
- Write a C++ Program to display Student Details using class.
- Write a C++ program to demonstrate an example of single inheritance.
- Write a program in C++ Program to Print Alphabet Triangle.
- Write a program in C++ to count word in a sentence.
- Write a program in C++ that finds largest of three numbers.
- Write a program in C++ to find out the power of a number.
- Write a program in C++ to find the vowels in the string provided by the users.
- Write a program in C++ to convert a string of characters into upper or lower case.
- Write a C++ Program to display current data and time.
- Write a program in C++ that finds factorial of a given number using for loop.
- Write a C++ program to print reverse of any given number using Class.
[ Example: i/p=2345 o/p=5432 ]
- Write a C++ program to print reverse of any given number using Class.
- Write a C++ Program to find the Area of rectangle using functionoverloading.
- Write a C++ Program to show Overload Constructor Example.
- Write a C++ program to show the use of friend functions.
- Write a C++ program to show the working of constructors along in inherited classes.
- Write a C++ program to overload unary + and unary operator.
- Write a C++ program to show how to achieve exceptional handling in C++.
- Write a program in C++ to show the function overriding.
- Write a program in C++ to the virtual function with the help of inheritance
- Write a program in C++ to declare a class of Vehicle. Derived classes are two-wheelers, three wheelers. Display the properties of each type of vehicle using the member functions of class.
- Write a C++ program display student mark sheet using multiple inheritance.
- Write a C++ program to illustrate the use of pure virtual function in polymorphism.
- Write a program in C++ Program to find Cube Root of Number.
- Write a program in C++ to print the Pascal’s triangle.