These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
The current implementation is focused on the SQlite DB.
The only thing we need is Python version 3.10.
Rest of the modiles are listed in the PipFile which could be installed during setup.
I personally do not like installing thirdparty for managing the environment. You are free to use any.
Create virtual environment
python venv -m venv
Activate to the venv
source venv/bin/activate
Install the required packages listed in PipFile. Also attached a requirements file for reference.
pip install -r PipFile
All the sample data for this project can be found in the Archive directory.
All the data in the archive directory are random. This does not contain any PII or is not intended to be a PII.
The is the soul for the whole project. The following properties are ment to be as the content of this file.
Project - section
The following are the mandatory properties inside a section named project
- db.sqlite.folder: Holds the name of the folder under which the sqlite db is going to be created.
! This roject expects atleast one of the the DB folder to be setup.
! As of now the below is the only property that is created as this project is done over the SQLite DB.
! Please follow the same property naming for DB folders db.<dbtype>.folder
. If you want to setup an additional property for DB URL use db.<dbtype>.url
Landing - section
The following are the mandatory properties inside a section named landing
- Holds the name of the file containing metadata for the files to be loaded.
- Specifies the table on which the content of the metadata files is to be copied.
landing.db.source.meta.file.path: Specifies the folder containing the source files. If your files are in the root folder, please use a dot
You are all ready to explore the code 👏🏻
Please check out our pair repository BriggMap In which we create SQL stored procedures using python like programming language.
Happy contributing 🤓