● A database is created at first along with a student table. (employee.db)
import sqlite3
con = sqlite3.connect("employee.db")
print("Database opened successfully")
con.execute("create table Employees (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name TEXT NOT NULL, roll TEXT UNIQUE NOT NULL, email TEXT NOT NULL, marks_short TEXT NOT NULL, marks_des TEXT NOT NULL)")
print("Table created successfully")
● An interface is built up using python flask to accept answers from students.
● There are two types of questions namely- Short type and Descriptive type.
● For evaluating Short questions we have taken 3 parameters into consideration. They are
keyword matching, grammar checking (using API)
def GrammerChecker(answer):
req = requests.get("https://api.textgears.com/check.php?text=" + answer + "&key=JmcxHCCPZ7jfXLF6")
no_of_errors = len(req.json()['errors'])
if no_of_errors > 5 :
g = 0
g = 1
return g
synonym checking(You need to download 'GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin' from https://s3.amazonaws.com/dl4j-distribution/GoogleNews-vectors-negative300.bin.gz).
● For evaluating Descriptive questions we have taken 1 more parameter i.e length
checking. Suppose for writing an essay if the given word limit is 400 words and a student
has written everything relevant but the essay has ended within 300 words, then marks
will be deducted considering the word limit.
● After evaluation, the student will not be able to see his/her marks but the marks will be
stored in the database.
● Total marks and other relevant information will be accessed by the institution/admin end.