Rahat Zaman - rahatzamancse.netlify.app 
- 🔭 I’m currently a Graduate Research Assistant and PhD student at University of Arizona.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Multi-Perspective Simultanious embedding with GAN.
- 🤔 I’m looking for help with Developing GAN for point-cloud like PointNet in Tensorflow.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Data Visualization with Machine Learning.
- 💬 Ask me about anything by mail rahatzamancse@gmail.com (or any social media you want).
- 🤣 Fun fact: I once wanted to be a game developer.
Click here and Peek on the latest 5 blog posts
💁🏻 rahatzamancse.netlify.app
Click here and Laugh at my last 5 activities on Stack Overflow
🐅 rahat-zaman
- Display hover when clicked instead of hovering over a datapoint in plotly python?
- How to reset zoom.transform after zooming without reseting selections in D3?
- How to align two Point Clouds given the set of points and point-to-point correspondence?
- Answer by Rahat Zaman for Python Display OpenCV Video Windows 10 With Correct Device Name
- Hide camera device name from windows applications with MS Media Foundation?
I am Rahat Zaman. I am a Researcher and a Machine Learning Developer.
I've been doing software since I was a child, I love to learn about how things work and simplify things with technology. Now I'm experimenting with Machine Learning and Deep Learning. I love to share time with developer communities and events.
- Favourite Operating System: Arch Linux
- Favourite Text Editor: neoVIM
- Favourite Programming Language: Rust for optimization, Python for playing
- Favourite Desktop Environment: Gnome
Languages | Frameworks |
Here is the current state board! Give your move in my github repository!