Shuffile Links was supposed to be deployed on Hack CLub's Nest but had encourtered issues with subdomain creation and docker-mongo conflicts. While the issue is being resolved, you can access Shuffile Links (non-functional) from or running it yourself by:
- Clone the
Shuffile Links
git clone
- Install the npm packages required for Shuffile Links:
npm install
- Create a
file in the root directory and add:
- Run the server by opening
(or on whatever port you define in your.env
file) on your browser
Note: Shuffile Links feature is taken from a seperate repository which is counted in Hackatime as 'Shuffile-beta'. Also, a major part of time tracked and heartbeats in Wakatime may be from files now located under .archive
, which has all the files used for testing and experimenting purposes.
¹ Desclaimer: Shuffile only supports desktop as of now. Shuffile Link is not functional online. Shuffile Send and Shuffile Receive is meant for small file transfer only, and starts to get quite slow for files more than 10MB.
Shuffile is a end-to-end files sharing web app that lets you seamlessly transfer files¹. You can use Shuffile to generate password-protected shareable links using Shuffile Links, or send files using Shuffile Send and receive the same on Shuffile Receive.
Shuffile (Node.js) uses a simple method of sharing files using Socket IO and Express for end-to-end files sharing. For creating links, it uses a combination of multer, express, mongoose, bcrypt and more.
It was fun to actually see each and every thing just work out — from creating links to adding password protection. It took me several iterations to try, experiment, experience and learn to make my first Node.js app and also on how to use Socket IO for sending files instead of texts. Socket IO is meant to send small signals, usually text, but here that is leveraged to send files — but that hinders the limit and speeds of Shuffile. But even so, it was very fun to make! Does not have the best design and the code may look a little cluttered but it is my favorite project because it's my first functional one! And then when I sent files from my laptop to my phone by the Nest client: OMG!
Designing to meet the design of Shuffile was a clear pain. The biggest pain was customizing the inputs, especially the file input. I wished to make it look like one of Shuffile Send but that didn't work out as planned, so I sorted to customizing the colors and fonts only. Also, I still can't change the width of inputs to be larger. Also, linking to
showed a MIME error, idk. I didn't sleep all night when High Seas was about to end in a few hours, just to grind on Shuffile and then find out High Seas is down. I spent all night trying to mess with Nest, MongoDB Atlas, Vercel and Render to deploy Shuffile Links but none of it worked, so had to put in it's non-functional port on Nest. Credits to Johannes for all the help with Nest.
From online sources: GeeksforGeeks (for formatting file inputs), Duck AI (to help me deploy but no good), @skyfall on Hack Club's Slack (helped me a lot with tiny an issue of sending files), @Johannes on Hack Club's Slack (he was a hero in helping me set up Nest for Shuffile)
From other projects: Shuffile Links