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A Software Library to Speed-up Sorted Table Search Procedures via Learning from Data

This repository provides a benchmarking platform to evaluate how Machine Learning can be effectively used to improve the performance of classic index data structures. Such an approach, referred to as Learned Data Structures, has been recently introduced by Kraska et al.[2]. In their framework, the learning part is made of a directed graph of models that refine the interval in a sorted table where a query element could be. Then, the final stage is a binary search. The models are either Feed Forward Neural Networks, with RELU activators or multi/univariate linear regression. In order to enucleate the methodological innovations of this proposal from the engineering aspects of it, we focus on a very basic scenario. One model for a single prediction and then a routine to search in a sorted table to finish the job. The table is kept in main memory. With the use of the mentioned Neural Networks, this "atomic" index is as general as the one proposed by Kraska et al., since those networks, with RELU activators, are able to approximate any function [1]. Moreover, our approach can be simply cast as the study of learned search in a sorted table. It is a fundamental one, as outlined in [3,4].

We include in this repository:

  1. The directory Learned Sorted Table Search, contains our implementtions of learned binary and interpolation search.
  2. The directory Binary Search Software contains binary search implementations, mostly taken from [4] (, and adapted for our purposes.
  3. The directory Interpolation Search contains a standard textbook implementation of interpolation search, adapted for our purposes.
  4. The directory Neural Networks Training Software contains software for Feed-Forward, RELU, training
  5. The directory Multi and Univariate Linear Regression Software contains software implementing textbook versions of multi/univariate linear regression.
  6. The directory utils contains some utility scripts


[1] Sho Sonoda and Noboru Murata. Neural network with unbounded activation functions is universal approximator. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis , 43(2):233 { 268, 2017.

[2] Tim Kraska, Alex Beutel, Ed H Chi, Je_rey Dean, and Neoklis Polyzotis. The case for learned index structures. In Proceedings of the 2018 Interna- tional Conference on Management of Data , pages 489{504. ACM, 2018.

[3] Jun Rao and Kenneth A Ross. Cache conscious indexing for decisionsupport in main memory. In Proceedings of the 25th International Confer- ence on Very Large Data Bases , pages 78{89. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., 1999.

[4] Paul-Virak Khuong and Pat Morin. Array layouts for comparison-basedsearching.J. Exp. Algorithmics, 22:1.3:1–1.3:39, 2017.








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