This repository provides code for the KL-UCB algorithm and scripts to reproduce experiment results in the paper published at the 37th conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI 2021). The paper can be found at:
The code is based on Python 3.7, and it was run on a Ubuntu/Linux machine. To run the code, we recommend creating a Python 3.7 virtual environment, with e.g.
Anaconda or virtualenv
, and then installing the requirements within the virtual environment with:
pip install -r requirements.txt
In addition, the experiment scripts also require third-party code from the
ITE package, provided under third_party/
which needs to be installed separately
(e.g., by running pip install -e .
under the package's main directory third_party/ite-in-python
Experiment scripts are found in the main directory. Command-line options for each script can be listed via the --help
All scripts allow specifying the number of repetitions and iterations
and setting the output directory. By default, results are recorded under experiments/
with a directory name formed by a script-dependent prefix followed by a timestamp suffix.
Note: The experimental data, including the computed performance scores, obtained to plot the results in the paper has also been provided as PyTorch files under experiments/
. However, we describe below the steps for reproduction.
You can run the toy experiment in the paper with:
Comparisons against the variational Bayesian Monte Carlo (VBMC) framework by Acerbi (2018)
were run using MATLAB code provided by the original author at:
However, settings were adjusted to turn off post-processing steps in order to provide a fair comparison of the
basic approach against KL-UCB, which runs no post-processing nor automated fine-tuning steps by default.
MATLAB scripts to run the experiments is provided under vbmc/
The results obtained by running VBMC under these conditions are provided in:
for the circular likelihood;- and
for the "lumpy" likelihood.
The likelihood-free inference experiments on inferring the mass and length of the pole in the classic cart-pole reinforcement learning environment (by OpenAI Gym) can be run with:
to run
to run GP-UCB (BOLFI approach).
The ABC rejection sampling posterior samples were generated with the abc.ipynb
and the samples are available in a pickle file: ABC-result-CartPole-Gaussian-prior.pkl
in experiments/
A Jupyter notebook analysis.ipynb
is provided with code to plot the experiment results in the paper.
The notebook loads the provided raw output files in experiments/
Objective (Posterior distribution) | Regret (KL divergence) |
In APA format, the paper can be cited as:
Oliveira, R., Ott, L. & Ramos, F.. (2021). No-regret approximate inference via Bayesian optimisation. Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, in Proceedings of Machine Learning Research 161:2082-2092 Available from
To cite the paper in Latex, you can use BibTex:
title = {No-regret approximate inference via Bayesian optimisation},
author = {Oliveira, Rafael and Ott, Lionel and Ramos, Fabio},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the Thirty-Seventh Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence},
pages = {2082--2092},
year = {2021},
editor = {de Campos, Cassio and Maathuis, Marloes H.},
volume = {161},
series = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research},
month = {27--30 Jul},
publisher = {PMLR},
pdf = {},
url = {},
abstract = {We consider Bayesian inference problems where the likelihood function is either expensive to evaluate or only available via noisy estimates. This setting encompasses application scenarios involving, for example, large datasets or models whose likelihood evaluations require expensive simulations. We formulate this problem within a Bayesian optimisation framework over a space of probability distributions and derive an upper confidence bound (UCB) algorithm to propose non-parametric distribution candidates. The algorithm is designed to minimise regret, which is defined as the Kullback-Leibler divergence with respect to the true posterior in this case. Equipped with a Gaussian process surrogate model, we show that the resulting UCB algorithm achieves asymptotically no regret. The method can be easily implemented as a batch Bayesian optimisation algorithm whose point evaluations are selected via Markov chain Monte Carlo. Experimental results demonstrate the method’s performance on inference problems.}