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Kobbogo API

An experimental API to dig deeper with Ruby on Rails.

CircleCI Coverage Status Ruby Style Guide


  1. Install Ruby 3.x or greater - Prefer to install Ruby with Ruby Version Manager.

  2. Clone the repo:

  1. Go to the project directory
cd kobbogo-api
  1. Install the project dependencies
bundle install
  1. Create and setup databases - PostgreSQL 14.x (server 9.x) or greater:
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
  1. Serve the API:
rails s

The API will be running on http://localhost:3000.


User Collection

The User collection has a single endpoint. The endpoint requires username and a password to create an user:

Method URI Request Body Response Status Response Body
POST /users {
  username: String,
  password: String
201 (Created)

User Authentication

Authentication has a single endpoint. The endpoint requires user's credentials (username/password) and responds with a body containing a token, its expiration date (i.e. "06-19-2022 21:44"), and username:

Method URI Request Body Response Status Response Body
POST /auth {
  username: String,
  password: String
201 (Created) {
  token: String,
  exp: Date,
  username: String

Todo Collection

The Todo collection has three endpoints. All these endpoints need an Authentication token to be sent via request header. The header key must have the name Authorization and its value must be the token returned by the endpoint /auth.


This endpoint requires a description to create a todo.

Method URI Request Body Response Status Response Body
POST /todos {
  description: String,
201 (Created) {
  id: UUID,
  description: String,
  created_at: Date,
  updated_at: Date,


This endpoint does not requires anything.

Method URI Request Body Response Status Response Body
GET /todos 200 (Ok) [{
  id: UUID,
  description: String,
  created_at: Date,
  updated_at: Date,


This endpoint requires a todo id to be passed on the URI.

Method URI Request Body Response Status Response Body
DELETE /todos/:id 200 (Ok)

Code Format

Ensure that all the code you have added is properly formatted:

bundle exec rubocop


Ensure that all the code you have added is covered with automated tests:

bundle exec rspec