Breaking Changes
- Settings location was renamed from %APPDATA%\CryptoIso20022Interop\cryptoIso20022Interop.db (user.home) to %APPDATA%\DalliPay\dalliPay.db. Rename folder and file manually to keep existing data.
- Send: Added ability to manually add payments
- Send: Added support for new payments based on Swiss QR bill, EPC QR code/Girocode or any receiver wallet address
- Send: Wallets are now also editable on payment detail form
- Send: Export pending payments back in pain.001 input file for further processing
- Receive: Improved timely precision while loading historic exchange rates
- Wallet detail form offers direct links to wallet domain, Xumm & GlobalID profiles if present (by Xumm API)
- Hide zero balances in wallet detail form
- Options: Ability to create testnet wallet
- Options: Define a default sender wallet for new payments
- Minor improvements and fixes