A compatible radar tool to generate key-pairs and signing transactions.
radar-tool includes a git submodule to include the radard source code, which is not cloned by default. To get the radard source, either clone this repository using
$ git clone --recursive <location>
or after cloning, run the following commands
$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
Note: even though the entire radard source tree is included in the submodule, only a subset of it is used by the library.
For linux and other unix-like OSes, run the following commands:
$ cd radar-tool
$ mkdir -p build/gcc.debug
$ cd build/gcc.debug
$ cmake ../.. -Dtarget=gcc.debug
$ cmake --build .
$ ./radar-tool
For 64-bit Windows, open a MSBuild Command Prompt for Visual Studio and run the following commands:
> cd radar-tool
> mkdir build
> cd build
> cmake -G"Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" ..
> cmake --build .
> .\Debug\radar-tool.exe
32-bit Windows builds are not officially supported.
Generate key pairs
> .\radar-tool.exe key_gen
"private" : "sh7xxvydX5eSXVXgrqvVpw5Smtwqi",
"public" : "rPKjLLTGEx9hYZLyEjU2LjpdLsXDCXQpBi",
"status" : "success"
Generate public key from your private key
> .\radar-tool.exe key_conv sh7xxvydX5eSXVXgrqvVpw5Smtwqi
"public" : "rPKjLLTGEx9hYZLyEjU2LjpdLsXDCXQpBi",
"status" : "success"
Check a public key is illegal or not.
> .\radar-tool.exe key_chk rPKjLLTGEx9hYZLyEjU2LjpdLsXDCXQpBi
"result" : "true",
"status" : "success"
Get signature of your transaction
> .\radar-tool.exe tx_sign sh7xxvydX5eSXVXgrqvVpw5Smtwqi "{\"Account\":\"rPKjLLTGEx9hYZLyEjU2LjpdLsXDCXQpBi\",\"Amount\":{\"currency\":\"VBC\",\"issuer\":\"rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrVFngv46\",\"value\":\"1000\"},\"Destination\":\"rJUG2KtMLn3rCYb1986svLraAeDfcLk1xb\",\"Fee\":\"1000\",\"Flags\":2147483648,\"Sequence\":18,\"TransactionType\":\"Payment\"}"
"result" : "true",
"status" : "success"