Releases: radon-h2020/radon-repository-miner
FIxed UnboundLocalError: local variable 'process_metrics' referenced before assignment
Refactored cli
The following methods are deprecated: get_fixing_commits_from_closed_issues()
and get_fixing_commits_from_commit_message()
They have been replaced by the method get_fixing_commits()
that returns the types of fix along with the hash. For examples
meaning that the commit with hash1 fixes syntax and idempotency issues.
Enhancement: Added functionality to compute delta metrics between two successive releases
v0.8.12-beta preparing for 0.8.12
Bugfix: Caught missing TypeError that made the program fail when executing AnsibleMetrics on an empty script
v0.8.11-beta preparing for 0.8.11
Bugfix UnicodeDecodeError when reading file content
v0.8.10-beta prepare for v0.8.10
Updated dependency to AnsibleMetrics
Updated dependency to AnsibleMetrics (0.3.8)
Sequential workflow
This release introduces sequential workflow: it build and publish image to Dockerhub only if publish on PyPI succeedes
Sequential workflow
This release introduces sequential workflow: it build and publish image to Dockerhub only if publish on PyPI succeedes
Updated ansible file recognition and discard of undesired commits. Accept only commits that MODIFY at least one Ansible/Tosca file
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''