R7.University 2.2
Big one
GH-263, GH-266 Switched to Entity Framework Core, DAL code moved to R7.Dnn.Extensions
- Depend on R7.Dnn.Extensions 0.13.0
- Depend on R7.Dnn.Extensions.EFCore 1.1.0
New features
- GH-298 Support for eLibrary.ru counter in employee details
- GH-292 Implement R7.Dnn.Extensions FolderHistory support
- GH-288 User-friendly search URLs
- GH-148 New EmployeeList sorting by position weight only in current division
- Add "Edit Division" action for EmployeeList
Important changes
- GH-233 Use single (square) photo for employees, provide alternate one for details,
Remove photo lookup functionality - require some manual steps on upgrade - GH-300 Drop obsolete document types and corresponding columns in tables
- GH-287 Properly sort employee achievements in edit form
Bug fixes
- GH-301 Non-admins can delete edu. volume and contingent records
- GH-299 Crash then opening edit forms from EduProgramProfileDirectory and other modules
- GH-296 Unpublished divisions displayed in employee positions
- GH-294 Wrong position display in employee modules
- GH-286 Don't create new term then creating new division if term with same name already exists
- GH-225 Try to resolve cache invalidation issues
- Fix data cache time value must be in minutes