- sends template as PDF output
- mPDF required - http://www.mpdf1.com/mpdf/download (version 5.*)
- works fine with both Nette 2.0.* and Nette 2.1.*
- no js support
- nice api
Recommended installation is via Composer.
"joseki/pdf-response": ">= 2.1"
Alternative install without Composer:
libs/mPDF/ (download and place mPDF library here)
libs/netterobots.txt (prevents robotloader from caching all mPDF classes)
and add the following line to the beggining of libs/PdfResponse.php:
require __DIR__ . "/mPDF/mpdf.php";
// in a Presenter
public function actionPdf()
$template = $this->createTemplate()->setFile(APP_DIR . "/templates/myPdf.latte");
$template->someValue = 123;
// Tip: In template to make a new page use <pagebreak>
$pdf = new \PdfResponse($template);
// optional
$pdf->documentTitle = date("Y-m-d") . " My super title"; // creates filename 2012-06-30-my-super-title.pdf
$pdf->pageFormat = "A4-L"; // wide format
$pdf->getMPDF()->setFooter("|© www.mysite.com|"); // footer
public function actionPdf()
$template = $this->createTemplate()->setFile(APP_DIR . "/templates/myPdf.latte");
$pdf = new \PdfResponse($template);
$pdf->save(WWW_DIR . "/generated/"); // as a filename $this->documentTitle will be used
$pdf->save(WWW_DIR . "/generated/", "another file 123); // OR use a custom name
public function actionPdf()
$template = $this->createTemplate()->setFile(APP_DIR . "/templates/myPdf.latte");
$pdf = new \PdfResponse($template);
$savedFile = $pdf->save(WWW_DIR . "/contracts/");
$mail = new Nette\Mail\Message;
$mailer = new SendmailMailer();
public function actionPdf()
$template = $this->createTemplate()->setFile(APP_DIR . "/templates/myPdf.latte");
$pdf = new \PdfResponse($template);
$pdf->setSaveMode(PdfResponse::DOWNLOAD); //default behavior
public function actionPdf()
$template = $this->createTemplate()->setFile(APP_DIR . "/templates/myPdf.latte");
$pdf = new \PdfResponse($template);
public function actionPdf()
$pdf = new \PdfResponse('');
// to write into an existing document use the following statements
$mpdf = $pdf->getMPDF();
$mpdf->WriteFixedPosHTML('hello world', 1, 10, 10, 10);
// to write to another page
// to move to exact page, use
$mpdf->page = 3; // = move to 3rd page