Heat modelling in the built environment has been thoroughly revised
The building stock is now disaggregated at a higher level of detail. Households are differentiated by combinations of housing type and construction period, including new construction. For buildings (services) existing and new buildings are distinguished. Additionally, users can set a prioritization to distribute heating technologies across the housing stock. Also, users now have insight into heat deficits per housing category, they can adjust the installed capacities of heating technologies, and have the ability to set two different representations of the thermostat profile per combination of technology and building category. Development of heat demand can also be set per building category in kWh/m2.
Explore the new heat modelling in the Households and Buildings sections.
Costs export functionality updated & expanded
The costs export functionality of the ETM has undergone a major update! The download now provides much more detailed information on a scenario's costs. Starting with total costs, total CAPEX and total OPEX, the csv file provides further details on the constituents of CAPEX and OPEX and the parameters underlying CAPEX calculations, such as the technical lifetime. In all, the costs export functionality now more truthfully mirrors the ETM's costs calculating capabilities; see the image below.
Solar PV households and buildings capacity sliders moved to Supply
The sliders for solar PV capacities on rooftops of households and buildings now allow users to directly indicate installed capacities for these technologies (in MW). The sliders have been moved to the Renewable electricity section.
Land use of solar and wind visualization available
The ETM now contains a chart displaying the land use of solar panels and wind turbines on land. The chart also allows the user to virtually distinguish large scale and small scale wind turbines without affecting the actual scenario. The accompanying table provides more detailed information on e.g. capacities and electricity production of all included technologies.
Propane added as constituent of network gas
Users of the ETM can now add propane as a constituent carrier in network gas. Addition of propane can be required to increase the energy content of network gas when mixing in other gases with a lower calorific value, such as biogas.