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@quassbutreally quassbutreally released this 18 Dec 13:53
· 20 commits to master since this release

Hello again!

Lots of new stuff this build, with most of the "core" elements now implemented! I'll go into what this means below, but I'm very excited to bring you all this update :)


  • EasyCPDLC now has SIMBRIEF integration! In the settings page you'll find a field to enter your Simbrief Pilot ID (Note: this is not your username. It can be found under My Account -> Simbrief Data). This is used to generate a list of waypoints that you could conceivably make a position report at, and autofills the REPORT page as much as practicable.
  • EasyCPDLC now has the option to connect to your flight simulator. It does require FSUIPC/XPUIPC but is compatible with all simulators capable of connecting to VATSIM. At the moment this is just a proof of concept, it prefills the REPORT page and fills in ADS-C reports. By their very nature simulators are unstable so I've tried my best to mitigate that, but it might make EasyCPDLC more prone to crashes. The purpose of this integration at the moment is for ADS-C reporting, but may be expanded in future. Speaking of which...
  • EasyCPDLC now supports ADS-C Contracts! This allows ATC and Company to send periodic requests for information from your aircraft. At the moment only PERIODIC requests are permitted, I'll be looking to expand this in the future.
  • METAR and ATIS requests are now implemented. The buttons to request them can be found on the TELEX page.


  • FIXED: ATC Handovers not updating "current atc unit" field (thanks JANXOL!)
  • FIXED: ADS-C Contract requests being shown to user and not being handled (Thanks liessdow!)
  • MAYBE FIXED?: I've had a couple of reports of HANDOVER messages causing exceptions when you try and acknowledge the "CONTACT" message. I think I've fixed it but have been unable to reproduce the problem so can't be sure. IF this happens to you, please send me the log and, if you can, a screenshot or copy of the error message you get. Thankyou!


  • Assuming all goes well with ADS-C and such (I'm hoping to sit down with interested parties and work out a syntax for expanding ADS-C) then that will be expanded to fit
  • Simulator integration may be expanded as required. If you have any suggestions about what could/might be included in this, please don't hesitate to raise an issue or comment on the existing thread with your ideas!
  • More bugfixes as and when they rear their heads!

Thankyou all for still supporting the project! I'm getting to the point now where the more people able to use the system, the better as I think I've eliminated most of the major bugs. If you have friends you think would find EasyCPDLC useful, feel free to spread the word! I'm also using what influence I have at VATSIM to get better CPDLC/ADS-C support in the North Atlantic etc, so hopefully big things coming soon!

Much Love