diff --git a/tools/bundle-bug-finder/_prelude.js b/tools/bundle-bug-finder/_prelude.js index 44c3e737e2..7fb57f72a4 100644 --- a/tools/bundle-bug-finder/_prelude.js +++ b/tools/bundle-bug-finder/_prelude.js @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -/*global Deno, document, globalThis, console, Uint8Array, URL, ArrayBuffer, setTimeout, clearTimeout, Promise, Symbol, TextEncoder, addEventListener, removeEventListener, Map, window, self, global, TransformStream, AggregateError, ReadableStream, WritableStream, TextDecoder, Set, Int32Array, performance, Response, WebAssembly, atob, EventTarget, DOMException, localStorage, fetch, FormData, btoa, Buffer, Headers, WebSocket, Node, File, Blob, Request, CompressionStream, URLSearchParams, AbortController, Atomics, SharedArrayBuffer, setInterval, clearInterval, BigInt, crypto, Uint32Array, Uint16Array, Float32Array, Float64Array, Int16Array, Int8Array, DataView, Document, Element, PATH, Proxy, noExitRuntime, Reflect, Intl, module, define, DocumentFragment, FinalizationRegistry, WeakMap */ +/*global Deno, document, globalThis, console, Uint8Array, URL, ArrayBuffer, setTimeout, clearTimeout, Promise, Symbol, TextEncoder, addEventListener, removeEventListener, Map, window, self, global, TransformStream, AggregateError, ReadableStream, WritableStream, TextDecoder, Set, Int32Array, performance, Response, WebAssembly, atob, EventTarget, DOMException, localStorage, fetch, FormData, btoa, Buffer, Headers, WebSocket, File, Blob, Request, CompressionStream, URLSearchParams, AbortController, Atomics, SharedArrayBuffer, setInterval, clearInterval, BigInt, crypto, Uint32Array, Uint16Array, Float32Array, Float64Array, Int16Array, Int8Array, DataView, Document, Element, PATH, Proxy, noExitRuntime, Reflect, Intl, module, define, DocumentFragment, FinalizationRegistry, WeakMap */ // these are globals that deno-dom is leaking currently and we need to ignore them // tracking on https://github.com/b-fuze/deno-dom/issues/151 /*global i, l, result */