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This is an addon for qToggleServer.

With this addon you can read and control Modbus-enabled devices (such as energy meters) via qToggleServer. You can also configure a Modbus server so that your qToggleServer behaves like a Modbus device itself.


Install using pip:

pip install qtoggleserver-modbus


Serial Client

peripherals = [
        driver = "qtoggleserver.modbus.ModbusSerialClient"
        method = rtu                    # `ascii` (default), `rtu` or `binary`
        serial_port = "/dev/ttyUSB0"
        serial_baud = 9600              # this is the default
        serial_stopbits = 1             # this is the default
        serial_bytesize = 8             # this is the default
        serial_parity = N               # `N`, `E` or `O`
        # see below for common parameters

Serial Server

peripherals = [
        driver = "qtoggleserver.modbus.ModbusSerialServer"
        method = rtu                    # `ascii` (default), `rtu` or `binary`
        serial_port = "/dev/ttyUSB0"
        serial_baud = 9600              # this is the default
        serial_stopbits = 1             # this is the default
        serial_bytesize = 8             # this is the default
        serial_parity = N               # `N`, `E` or `O`
        # see below for common parameters

TCP Client

peripherals = [
        driver = "qtoggleserver.modbus.ModbusTcpClient"
        method = socket                 # `socket` (default), `ascii`, `rtu` or `binary`
        tcp_host = ""        # IP or hostname of the Modbus device
        tcp_port = 502                  # Modbus device TCP port
        # see below for common parameters

TCP Server

peripherals = [
        driver = "qtoggleserver.modbus.ModbusTcpServer"
        method = socket                 # `socket` (default), `ascii`, `rtu` or `binary`
        tcp_address = ""         # binds on all interfaces by default
        tcp_port = 502                  # Modbus device TCP port
        # see below for common parameters

Passive Serial Client

peripherals = [
        driver = "qtoggleserver.modbus.PassiveModbusSerialClient"
        serial_port = "/dev/ttyUSB0"
        serial_baud = 9600              # this is the default
        serial_stopbits = 1             # this is the default
        serial_bytesize = 8             # this is the default
        serial_parity = N               # `N`, `E` or `O`
        # see below for common parameters

Passive TCP(dump) Client

peripherals = [
        driver = "qtoggleserver.modbus.PassiveModbusTcpClient"
        port = 5020                     # TCP port to sniff
        iface = "eth0"                  # network interface to sniff (defaults to `any`)
        master_ip = ""     # IP address of the master Modbus machine (optional) 
        slave_ip = ""      # IP address of the slave Modbus machine (optional)
        master_port = 5020              # TCP port of the master Modbus machine (optional) 
        slave_port = 5021               # TCP port of the slave Modbus machine (optional)
        tcpdump = "/usr/bin/tcpdump"    # full path to the `tcpdump` binary (optional) 
        # see below for common parameters

Common Parameters

The following parameters are common to all types of Modbus clients and servers:

peripherals = [
        name = "mydevice"  # an optional name of your choice
        timeout = 5        # in seconds, this is the default
        unit_id = 0           # slave unit id, this is the default
        ports = {
            "port_id1" = {
                modbus_type = coil          # `coil`, discrete_input`, `input_register` or `holding_register`
                address = 1234              # Modbus port address (from `0000` to `9999`)
                # number of successive registers mapped to the port, starting at `address` (defaults to `1`)
                length = 2
                writable = false            # by default is `null`, inferred from `modbus_type`
                # `struct` format to use to group multiple register values into a byte array (defaults to `>` followed
                # by `H` times `length`)
                register_group_fmt = ">HH"
                # `struct` format to use to map register byte array to port value (defaults to `>h`)
                value_fmt = ">i"

Common Client Parameters

The following parameters are common to all types of Modbus clients:

peripherals = [
        use_single_functions = false  # set to `true` to use single Modbus access functions instead of multi ones
        initial_delay = 5             # the number of seconds to delay polling after connection (defaults to `0`)

Common Server Parameters

The following parameters are common to all types of Modbus servers:

peripherals = [
        identity_vendor_name = "My Vendor"
        identity_product_code = "PROD1234"
        identity_major_minor_revision = "3.14.15"
        identity_vendor_url = ""
        identity_product_name = "My Product"
        identity_model_name = "My Model"
        identity_user_application_name = "My Custom Model"