A game made in 48 hours for Alakajam #6
...the turn of the mutlichroma-ennium.
Groups of renegade time painters have found a ways to exploit a predicted quantum computing error known as Y2K-0L0R to re-approach the turn of the multichroma-ennium with a disentangled chromo-copy of their most powerful painters.
As a painter approaching what has been predicted to be a full fledged Color War... It is your task to spread your color.
Showing exceptional skill, you have been chosen to be utilized in the Y2K-0L0R experiment:
Can you out color your strongest opponents? Can you out color yourself?
// NOTE:
// KNOWN BUGS FOR 48 HOUR RANKED RELEASE: Unlimited number of "clones" or paint echoes for keyboard players pressing F or Right-Ctrl. For best game-play use controllers. Left Shoulder is used for this action and is limited by your color's paint level as shown in the indicator.
// 4 PLAYER TEST BUILD IS NOT ALAKAJAM #6 QUALIFIED AND REQUIRES GAMEPADS FOR PLAYERS 1 AND 2, KEYBOARD FOR 3 and 4. Has fixes for all known bugs, doesn't allow 2P play in current form.
Thank you so much for playing my game.