A collection of blog posts about clojure and clojurescript. The entries are written in org mode that allow for literate programming, but can just be read fine without emacs and org mode. github itself renders org documents just fine.
setting-up-clj-cljs-project-from-scratch.org describes in detail how to setup a leiningen project with a ring/jetty backend server that uses reitit for routing, and combining that project with a shadow-cljs clojurescript SPA (Single Page Application) that uses reagent. The result is a minimal full stack example in which it is possible to switch between connected clojure and a clojurescript repls on the fly.
clj-derived-keywords-multimethods.org shows a lesser known feature of clojure that allows for on the fly creation of taxonomies by deriving namespaced keywords from each other. These taxonomies can be useful when using multimethods, as they will influence the resolved concrete function to choose when dispatching on values containing namespaced keywords.