What's new
Intro eligibility
You can check if a user is eligible for an introductory offer, including a free trial. On the Apple platform, users who have not previously used an introductory offer for any products in the same subscription group are eligible for an introductory offer. Use this method to determine eligibility.
You can show only a regular price for users who are not eligible for an introductory offer.
Qonversion.checkTrialIntroEligibility(forProductIds: ["main", "secondary"]) { (result, error) in
// handle result here
Trial duration
From now you can check the product’s trial duration using QNTrialDuration Enum.
If the duration is not from enum range we will return QNTrialDurationOther then you can check trial duration directly from the product's skProduct.
Qonversion.products { [weak self] (result, error) in
let mainProduct = result["main"]
if mainProduct.trialDuration == .twoWeeks {
// handle two weeks trial duration