Supplemental technology files for ASAP7 PDK with Synopsys design flow
Supplemental technology files for ASAP7 PDK with Synopsys design flow
8051 soft CPU core. 700-lines statements for 111 instructions . Fully synthesizable Verilog-2001 core.
🗂️A file list/WebDAV program that supports multiple storages, powered by Gin and Solidjs. / 一个支持多存储的文件列表/WebDAV程序,使用 Gin 和 Solidjs。
Pipelined FFT/IFFT 64 points processor
Pipelined FFT/IFFT 128 points processor
A 32 point radix-2 FFT module written in Verilog
Verilog CAN controller that is compatible to the SJA 1000.
An CAN bus Controller implemented in Verilog
Reed Solomon Encoder and Decoder Digital IP
Verilog Implementation of Run Length Encoding for RGB Image Compression
This project is being developed as part of a Master's degree research sponsored by Brazil's CNPQ. It's goal is to design a hardware architecture to accelerate the AV1 arithmetic encoder.
Macro Placement - benchmarks, evaluators, and reproducible results from leading methods in open source
Cycle accurate MC6502 compatible processor in Verilog.
tinyODIN digital spiking neural network (SNN) processor - HDL source code and documentation.