pucker of the text content when exceed the specified scope
折叠器组件主要实现当文本超过设定的行数的时候,自动折叠,当点击下拉按钮的时候自动展开,再次点击的时候会自动收起; 当文本少于设定行数时候,不会有下拉按钮。
注意: 组件中的arrow是图片,实际应用可以替换为iconfont,欢迎PR。
npm install rn-pucker --save
import Pucker from 'rn-pucker';
let content = "Font Awesome CDN is the easiest way to get Font Awesome on your website or app, " +
"all with just a single line of code. No downloading or installing!Want to manage and host Font Awesome assets yourself? " +
"You can download, customize, and use the icons and default styling manually. " +
"Both CSS and CSS Preprocessor (Sass and Less) formats are included.";
export default ({}) => {
return (
<Pucker content={content} lineHeight={16} lineNum={2}/>
名称 | 类型 | 描述 |
content | String | 文本字符串,默认:'black' |
lineNum | Number | 折叠器展示的行数,默认:5 |
lineHeight | Number | 行高,默认:16 |
style | Object | 组件样式 |