- This project main purpose was a learning experience to tackle building a REST API with Spring Boot.
- It may contain unpolished, experimental or rushed code that needs to be refactored and modernized.
A Java Spring Boot REST API exchanging data using the JSON format.
This application allows users to browse and create cooking recipes.
The persistence layer is managed by Spring Data JPA and Hibernate.
The JSON serialization/deserialization is handled by Jackson.
The application security is managed by Spring Security using a JWT-based authentication process.
Lombok is used to reduce boilerplate code.
The mapping between Java bean types is done using MapStruct.
The project's build is managed by Maven.
(An Angular web application consuming this REST API can be found here.)
This API allows a user to:
- Sign up
- Sign in
- Browse recipes
- Filter recipes
- Create recipes
- Update recipes
- Rate recipes