People Involved
- LABRAK Yanis (1)
- DUFOUR Richard (2)
- LIA, Avignon University, Avignon, France.
- LS2N, Nantes University, Nantes, France.
is a part-of-speech tagging corpus based on UD_French-GSD which was originally created in 2015 and is based on the universal dependency treebank v2.0.
Originally, the corpus consists of 400,399 words (16,341 sentences) and had 17 different classes. Now, after applying our tags augmentation script
, we obtain 60 different classes which add semantic information such as: the gender, number, mood, person, tense or verb form given in the different CoNLL-03 fields from the original corpus.
We based our tags on the level of details given by the LIA_TAGG statistical POS tagger written by Frédéric Béchet in 2001.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
How to use in Flair (model)
from flair.models import SequenceTagger
tagger = SequenceTagger.load("qanastek/pos-french")
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Accuracy 95.20% |
Accuracy 97.78% |
Accuracy 97.97% |
Train | Dev | Test | |
# Docs | 14 449 | 1 476 | 416 |
Avg # Tokens / Doc | 24.54 | 24.19 | 24.08 |
Abbreviation | Description | Examples | # tokens |
PREP | Preposition | de | 63 738 |
AUX | Auxiliary Verb | est | 12 886 |
ADV | Adverb | toujours | 14 969 |
COSUB | Subordinating conjunction | que | 3 007 |
COCO | Coordinating Conjunction | et | 10 102 |
PART | Demonstrative particle | -t | 93 |
PRON | Pronoun | qui ce quoi | 667 |
PDEMMS | Singular Masculine Demonstrative Pronoun | ce | 1 950 |
PDEMMP | Plurial Masculine Demonstrative Pronoun | ceux | 108 |
PDEMFS | Singular Feminine Demonstrative Pronoun | cette | 1 004 |
PDEMFP | Plurial Feminine Demonstrative Pronoun | celles | 53 |
PINDMS | Singular Masculine Indefinite Pronoun | tout | 961 |
PINDMP | Plurial Masculine Indefinite Pronoun | autres | 89 |
PINDFS | Singular Feminine Indefinite Pronoun | chacune | 136 |
PINDFP | Plurial Feminine Indefinite Pronoun | certaines | 31 |
PROPN | Proper noun | houston | 22 135 |
XFAMIL | Last name | levy | 6 449 |
NUM | Numerical Adjectives | trentaine vingtaine | 67 |
DINTMS | Masculine Numerical Adjectives | un | 4 254 |
DINTFS | Feminine Numerical Adjectives | une | 3 543 |
PPOBJMS | Singular Masculine Pronoun complements of objects | le lui | 1 425 |
PPOBJMP | Plurial Masculine Pronoun complements of objects | eux y | 212 |
PPOBJFS | Singular Feminine Pronoun complements of objects | moi la | 358 |
PPOBJFP | Plurial Feminine Pronoun complements of objects | en y | 70 |
PPER1S | Personal Pronoun First Person Singular | je | 571 |
PPER2S | Personal Pronoun Second Person Singular | tu | 19 |
PPER3MS | Personal Pronoun Third Person Masculine Singular | il | 3 938 |
PPER3MP | Personal Pronoun Third Person Masculine Plurial | ils | 513 |
PPER3FS | Personal Pronoun Third Person Feminine Singular | elle | 992 |
PPER3FP | Personal Pronoun Third Person Feminine Plurial | elles | 121 |
PREFS | Reflexive Pronouns First Person of Singular | me m' | 120 |
PREF | Reflexive Pronouns Third Person of Singular | se s' | 2 337 |
PREFP | Reflexive Pronouns First / Second Person of Plurial | nous vous | 686 |
VERB | Verb | obtient | 21 131 |
VPPMS | Singular Masculine Participle Past Verb | formulé | 6 275 |
VPPMP | Plurial Masculine Participle Past Verb | classés | 1 352 |
VPPFS | Singular Feminine Participle Past Verb | appelée | 2 434 |
VPPFP | Plurial Feminine Participle Past Verb | sanctionnées | 813 |
VPPRE | Present participle | étant | 2 |
DET | Determinant | les l' | 25 206 |
DETMS | Singular Masculine Determinant | les | 15 444 |
DETFS | Singular Feminine Determinant | la | 10 978 |
ADJ | Adjective | capable sérieux | 1 075 |
ADJMS | Singular Masculine Adjective | grand important | 8 338 |
ADJMP | Plurial Masculine Adjective | grands petits | 3 274 |
ADJFS | Singular Feminine Adjective | française petite | 8 004 |
ADJFP | Plurial Feminine Adjective | légères petites | 3 041 |
NOUN | Noun | temps | 1 389 |
NMS | Singular Masculine Noun | drapeau | 29 698 |
NMP | Plurial Masculine Noun | journalistes | 10 882 |
NFS | Singular Feminine Noun | tête | 25 414 |
NFP | Plurial Feminine Noun | ondes | 7 448 |
PREL | Relative Pronoun | qui dont | 2 976 |
PRELMS | Singular Masculine Relative Pronoun | lequel | 94 |
PRELMP | Plurial Masculine Relative Pronoun | lesquels | 29 |
PRELFS | Singular Feminine Relative Pronoun | laquelle | 70 |
PRELFP | Plurial Feminine Relative Pronoun | lesquelles | 25 |
PINTFS | Singular Feminine Interrogative Pronoun | laquelle | 3 |
INTJ | Interjection | merci bref | 75 |
CHIF | Numbers | 1979 10 | 10 417 |
SYM | Symbol | € % | 705 |
YPFOR | Endpoint | . | 15 088 |
PUNCT | Ponctuation | : , | 28 918 |
MOTINC | Unknown words | Technology Lady | 2 022 |
X | Typos & others | sfeir 3D statu | 175 |
Please cite the following paper when using this model.
ANTILLES extended corpus:
TITLE = {{ANTILLES: An Open French Linguistically Enriched Part-of-Speech Corpus}},
AUTHOR = {Labrak, Yanis and Dufour, Richard},
URL = {},
BOOKTITLE = {{25th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialogue (TSD)}},
ADDRESS = {Brno, Czech Republic},
PUBLISHER = {{Springer}},
YEAR = {2022},
MONTH = Sep,
KEYWORDS = {Part-of-speech corpus ; POS tagging ; Open tools ; Word embeddings ; Bi-LSTM ; CRF ; Transformers},
PDF = {},
HAL_ID = {hal-03696042},
UD_French-GSD corpus:
url={}, journal={GitHub},
author = {Frédéric Béchet},
title = {LIA_TAGG: a statistical POS tagger + syntactic bracketer},
institution = {Aix-Marseille University & CNRS},
year = {2001}