- Download NuGet package:
Install-Package qWojtpl.BlazorAnimate
- Go to wwwroot/index.html and add this line to header:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="_content/qWojtpl.BlazorAnimate/css/bundle.css" />
This should be the first stylesheet you are loading in this document!
Bundle contains two files: pages.css and animations.css
animations.css adds all animations
pages.css adds styles for pages
- Add imports to _Imports.razor
@using BlazorAnimate;
@using static BlazorAnimate.PageLoader.AnimationType;
- Create main component
- Add empty component to your project (eg. Main.razor)
- Main component should inherit from AppLoader
- This should be defualt page in your application
@page "/"
@inherits PageLoader
- Prepare first page
- Create new component (eg. Login.razor)
- This page should inherit from AppPage
- You need to add object of page in this component
- In style attribute of this page you have to add reference to PageStyles with index as name of this component
@page "/login"
@inherits AppPage
<div id="your-page-id" class="page" style="@Loader.PageStyles["Login"]">
/* Page html */
You have to use class page - this is class from pages.css
You have to use style="@Loader.PageStyles["ComponentName"]"~
Don't forget to set background color to your page using id!
- Add component to Main component
- In your main component (which inherits from PageLoader) add reference to component
<Login AnimationIn="AnimationType.FADE_IN" AutoLoad="true" Loader="this" />
Loader should be always at the end of component reference!
- Run application and see the results
- In default, BlazorAnimate only lets you create control to one-deep pages (load next <-> unload latest)
- If you want to have page control inside page you can use inner pages
Loader.Load(<PageName>, true);
Marks page as inner page
- For more methods, see Methods section
- UnloadLatest doesn't load previous page, only unloads current page!
- Previous page must stay in this same position, so second page should have PreviousAnimationOut as none or first page shouldn't have AnimationOut
<button @onclick="Loader.UnloadLatest">Close me!</button>
- Unloads all pages and loads AutoLoad page
<button @onclick="Loader.UnloadAll">Unload all pages!</button>
<button @onclick="(() => Loader.Load(<PageName>, true))">Load page as inner page</button>
- UnloadLatestInner doesn't load previous inner page, only unloads current inner page!
- Previous inner page must stay in this same position, so second page should have PreviousAnimationOut as none or first page shouldn't have AnimationOut
<button @onclick="Loader.UnloadLatestInner">Unload latest inner page</button>
- Choose enum from AnimationType
- This animation will be fired when component is loading
- Choose enum from AnimationType
- When this component will be unloaded
- If you want previous animation to disappear in different way you can set PreviousAnimationOut
- True or false, this component will load automatically.
- Only one component should have AutoLoad!
- Set this in main component as this
- Calling this attribute will register this component
- When unloading page its display is not changing to none - if you load houndreds of pages, its visibility will never be changed to none, so it will be still rendering in the background