Please pay attention: External libs tibjms.jar, jms-2.0.jar in .\tibco_jms must be included by yourselves.
> java -jar hjbServer.jar [-p<port>] [-l]
By default hjbServer will be started at 9999 port:
> java -jar hjbServer.jar
Server started on port: 9999
> netstat -a
Active Connections
Proto Local Address Foreign Address State
If the port will be occupied already you will receive the message and program will be terminated:
> java -jar hjbServer.jar
Port 9999 is blocked.
So provide alternative port number as parameter:
> java -jar hjbServer.jar -p9998
It means HJB started on port: 9998
> java -jar hjbServer.jar -l
Logging is enabled
After start HJB:
- Listens localhost:port (by default port is 9999)
- Sends body of HTTP POST request to the queue JMS-QU1 at JMS-USR:JMS-PSW@JMS-URL
- Waits JMS-TIM (Timeout is optional parameter, by default 5000) milliseconds
- Sends back via HTTP responce from queue JMS-QU2 (response queue is optional parameter, if it not set temporary queue will be used)
All parameters must be provided thru HTTP header or thru URL:
> curl --request POST --header @header.txt --data-binary @body.txt http://localhost:9999 > response.log
JMS-USR: ems_user
JMS-PSW: ems_password
JMS-QU1: $tmp$.queue.send
JMS-QU2: $tmp$.queue.recv
JMS-TIM: 3000
> curl --request POST --data-binary @body.txt http://localhost:9999/?JMS-USR=ems_user&JMS-PSW=ems_password&JMS-URL=$tmp$.queue.send&&JMS-QU2=$tmp$.queue.recv&JMS-TIM=3000 > response2.log