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qbpm - qutebrowser profile manager


qbpm [--profile-dir=|-P ] []


qbpm is a tool for creating, managing, and running qutebrowser profiles. Profile support isn't built in to qutebrowser, at least not directly, but it does have a --basedir flag which allows qutebrowser to use any directory as the location of its config and data and effectively act as a profile. qbpm creates profiles that source your main qutebrowser, but have their own separate autoconfig.yml, bookmarks, cookies, history, and other data. Profiles can be run by starting qutebrowser with the appropriate --basedir, or more conveniently using the qbpm launch and qbpm choose commands.


-h, --help Show help message and quit.

--version Show version information and quit.

-P, --profile-dir Use path as the profile directory instead of the default location. Takes precedence over the QBPM_PROFILE_DIR environment variable.

-C, --config-dir Source config files from the provided directory instead of the global qutebrowser config location.


new [options] [] Create a new qutebrowser profile named profile. If url is present it will be used as the profile's home page. By default, a .desktop file will be created for the profile in $XDG_DATA_HOME/applications/qbpm/.


*-l, --launch*
	Launch the profile after it is created.

*-f, --foreground*
	If --launch is set, run qutebrowser in the foreground.

	Do not generate a .desktop file for the profile.

	By default qbpm will refuse to create a profile if one with the same name
	already exists. --overwrite disables this check and rewrites the existing
	profile's configuration files from scratch. Profile data is left untouched.

launch [options] [argument...] Start qutebrowser with --basedir set to the location of profile. All arguments following profile will be passed on to qutebrowser.


*-f, --foreground*
	Run qutebrowser in the foreground instead of forking off a new process.

*-c, --create*
	Create the profile if it does not exist.


	\# launch my profile called work and open
	qbpm launch work

	\# launch a new profile called qb-dev, passing the flags to qutebrowser
	qbpm launch -n qb-dev --debug --json-logging

choose [options] Open a menu to choose a qutebrowser profile to launch. On linux this defaults to dmenu or another compatible menu program such as rofi, and on macOS this will be an applescript dialog.

*-m, --menu* <menu>
	Use _menu_ instead of the default menu program. This may be the name of a
	program on $PATH or a path to a program, in which case it will be run in
	dmenu mode if qbpm knows about the program, or a full command line.


	\# runs "echo {profiles} | /path/to/rofi -dmenu -no-custom -p qutebrowser"
	qbpm choose -m /path/to/rofi

	qbpm choose -m "my-cool-menu --dmenu-mode --prompt qutebrowser"

from-session [options] [] Create a new qutebrowser profile from session, which may either be the name of a session in the default qutebrowser data directory, or a path to a session file. By default the new profile will be named after session, but a custom profile name can be set via the name argument. Supports the same options as new.

desktop Generate a .desktop file for profile.

edit Open profile's in your default editor.

list List qutebrowser profiles.


Peter Rice

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