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Studying the Impact of Categorical Duplicates on ML

In this work, we take a step towards empirically characterizing the impact of Categorical duplicates on ML classification task with a three-pronged approach. Our benchmark comprises of three components.

(1) Our Hand-Labeled Datasets. We create the first large labeled data where true entities within a Categorical column are annotated with duplicate categories. Our data includes 1262 string Categorical columns from 231 raw CSV files.

(2) Downstream Benchmark Suite. Uses 16 real-world datasets to make empirical observations on the effect of Categorical duplicates on five popular classifiers and five encoding mechanisms.

(3) Synthetic Study. Includes Monte Carlo simulation studies to disentangle the impact with different variables impacting ML discretely and better explain the phenomenon.

The tech report for this work is availble here.

Environment Setup

To run the benchmark, first make sure that the environment is set up and all the packages stated in the requirements.txt file are installed. Use the following commands with Python3.8+:

virtualenv CategDedupBench
source CategDedupBench/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Our Labeled Datasets

Please see Our Labeled Data\ directory to see the sub-directory organization.

Downstream Benchmark Suite

  • Available ML models in our benchmark suite are:

    • Logisitic Regression (LR)
    • Random Forest (RF)
    • Artificial neural network (ANN)
    • Support Vector Machines (SVM)
    • XGBoost (XGB)
  • Available encoding methods in our benchmark suite are:

    • One-hot encoding (OHE)
    • Similarity encoding (SIME)
    • String encoding (STRE)
    • Transformer encoding (TRANSE)
  • Our curated set of 16 downstream datasets (Please refer to our tech report for details into how they were chosen and fine-grained stats on them) are:

    • Midwest Survey (MIDWEST)
    • Mental Health (MENTAL_HEALTH)
    • Relocated Vehicles (RELOC_VEHICLES)
    • Health Sciences (HEALTH_SCIENCE)
    • Salaries (SALARIES)
    • TSM Habitat (TSM)
    • EU IT (EUIT)
    • Halloween (HALLOWEEN)
    • Utility (UTILITY)
    • Mid or Feed (MIDFEED)
    • Wifi (WIFI)
    • Etailing (ETAILING)
    • San Francisco (SF)
    • Building Violations (BUILDING_VIOLATION)
    • US Labor (USLABOR)
    • Pet Registration (PETREG)
  • Run the downstream benchmark with different configuration settings. Use shorthand notations for model, encoding, data files from above.

    1. On specific dataset from our curated set of data files, and a specific model and encoding scheme:
    python --DataName MIDWEST --EncodingMethod OHE --model LR
    1. On a data with its path and specific ML model and encoding scheme
    python --DataName 'datalocation/datafile.csv' --EncodingMethod OHE --model LR
    1. On specific dataset but across all available ML model and encoding schemes
    python --DataName MIDWEST
    1. On specific ML model and encoding scheme but across all available datasets
    python --EncodingMethod OHE --model LR
  • Results are written in a directory Results\ in a file titled DATANAME_results.csv The file has the following schema:

    • DuplicationType takes integers corresponding to different duplication types (which we want to study while deduplicating the rest with Truth) presented in Table 3 of the tech report.

      • 0: Retain all duplication type in Raw data
      • Retain the following types exclusively in the Raw data
        • 1: Capitalization type
        • 2: Misspellings
        • 3: Abbreviation
        • 4: Difference of Special Characters
        • 5: Different Ordering
        • 6: Synonyms
        • 7: Presence of Extra Information
        • 8: Different grammar
    • encoding and model takes shorthand notations from above

    • lift_acc denotes the lift in % diagonal accuracy with Truth relative to Raw data

    • overfitting_gap denotes the difference between train and validation accuracies with Truth relative to Raw data

Synthetic Study

Monte Carlo simulations studying a complex joint distribution where the features obtained the data columns determine the target based on random sampling of conditional probability tables. This is a two step process.

  1. Checkpointing. Specify the configuration parameters for the simulation study and log the results. The default directory for writing the log files is set to logs/. To understand the influence of each explanatory variable (EV) on ML, we vary one parameter at a time while fixing the rest. Simulations can be run under different setting with the following shell scripts
  • Varying the number of training examples in the dataset while the parameters that characterize the amount of duplicates are kept fixed
  • Varying the different variables that characterize the magnitude of duplication in a column one at a time with the following scripts
  1. Visualizations. Specify the parameter to summarize as part of the box and whisker plot. Visualize with the following self-explanatory jupyter notebook.