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File metadata and controls

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Run TAK Java server in container


cp takserver.env.example takserver.env
# edit the env
# export the variables gomplate uses (see the .tpl files)
docker compose pull --include-deps --ignore-pull-failures
docker compose -p tak up -d

or use docker compose.local.yml without gomplate for local dev (rebuilding containers):

export DOCKER_TAG_EXTRA="-dev"
docker build --no-cache --progress=plain -t takserver:latest${DOCKER_TAG_EXTRA} -t takserver:4.7-RELEASE-32${DOCKER_TAG_EXTRA} -t pvarki/takserver:4.7-RELEASE-32${DOCKER_TAG_EXTRA} .
cp takserver.env.example takserver.env
# edit the env
docker compose -f docker-compose.local.yml -p tak up

Note, for things that live in the volumes (like TAK certs) you must nuke the volumes to see changes:

docker compose -f docker-compose.local.yml -p tak down -v ; docker compose -f docker-compose.local.yml -p tak rm -vf

Creating client packages locally

Using the REST API is probably nicer though

Create client package:

docker compose -p tak exec takserver_api /bin/bash -c 'CLIENT_CERT_NAME=replaceme /opt/scripts/'

Then get /opt/tak/certs/files/clientpkgs/ out of the container:

docker compose -p tak exec taktakserver_apiserver /bin/bash -c 'base64 /opt/tak/certs/files/clientpkgs/' | base64 -id >

This approach also works for recovering the admin cert (/opt/tak/certs/files/admin.p12 unless you changed the ADMIN_CERT_NAME ENV)

Creating new admin users

Create the user on the takserver container:

docker compose -p tak exec takserver_api /bin/bash -c 'cd /opt/tak/data/certs/ && CAPASS=$CA_PASS PASS=replaceme_user_cert_pass ./ client replaceme_username && ADMIN_CERT_NAME=replaceme_username /opt/scripts/'

See above about the hard way of getting the cert file, or use the REST API.

Gradle builds

Build the distribution:

mkdir outputs
docker build --progress=plain -f Dockerfile_build --target files -t atakbuild:files  .
docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`/outputs:/output atakbuild:files

Now you have the build artefacts in outputs -directory.