A RESTful API for an e-commerce platform that provides multiple endpoints to manage authentication, users, cart, wishlist, addresses, products, categories, brands, coupons, orders and reviews.
This project is built using Express.js and MongoDB; all the APIs are well-documented using Swagger specification. User authentication has been implemented via JSON Web Tokens and the project is deployed on a DigitalOcean Droplet using Nginx as a web server.
This project is deployed on a DigitalOcean Droplet and linked to a custom domain. To visit the live deployment, click here.
APIs are documented using Swagger (OpenAPI) specification and all of them are live and functional. To view Swagger docs, click here. Select Shopease production server in the dropdown menu and play with any API.
Postman is used to prototype, develop and test API endpoints. It is also used to document those APIs. To view Postman docs, click here.
- Authentication using JSON Web Tokens (signup, login, reset password)
- Authorization based on role of a user (user or admin)
- Database modelling using various Mongoose schemas
- Used MongoDB aggregation pipelines to perform complex database queries
- Applied filters, sorting and pagination on Mongoose documents
- Scheduled CRON job to check the expiry status of coupons every midnight
- API and CRON jobs are deployed on a DigitalOcean Droplet using Nginx as a web server
- Configured PM2 to keep API and Cron jobs running as daemon processes to ensure availability
- Utilized the cluster module to evenly distribute incoming requests across all CPU cores in the server
- APIs are documented using Swagger (OpenAPI) specification
- Integration of payment gateway using Razorpay APIs
- Verification of email addresses and phone numbers using Abstract APIs (third party service)
- Validation of request payload using Joi library
- Logging of HTTP requests using Morgan
- Separate loggers for development and production environments
- Parsing of multipart/form-data using Formidable library
- Upload and delete images using Cloudinary APIs
- Ability to send emails using Nodemailer
- Setup routing using Express middlewares
- Centralized error handling using Express middlewares
- Project is based on MVC architecture
- Used Postman to prototype, develop, test and document APIs
Shopease API consists of 8 schemas and 70+ routes and controllers.
Action | Method | Route | Access Requirements |
Signup | POST | /auth/signup | None |
Login | POST | /auth/login | None |
Logout | POST | /auth/logout | Authentication |
Forgot password | POST | /auth/password/forgot | None |
Reset password | PUT | /auth/password/reset/:token | None |
Action | Method | Route | Access Requirements |
Fetch profile | GET | /users/self | Authentication |
Update profile | PUT | /users/self | Authentication |
Delete account | DELETE | /users/self | Authentication |
Add profile photo | POST | /users/self/avatar | Authentication |
Remove profile photo | PUT | /users/self/avatar | Authentication |
Update profile photo | POST | /users/self/avatar/update | Authentication |
Fetch users | GET | /admin/users | Authentication + Authorization |
Fetch user by ID | GET | /admin/users/:userId | Authentication + Authorization |
Update user role | PUT | /admin/users/:userId | Authentication + Authorization |
Delete user | DELETE | /admin/users/:userId | Authentication + Authorization |
Fetch other admins | GET | /admin/admins | Authentication + Authorization |
Admin self demote | PUT | /admin/self | Authentication + Authorization |
Admin self delete | DELETE | /admin/self | Authentication + Authorization |
Action | Method | Route | Access Requirements |
Fetch addresses | GET | /addresses | Authentication |
Add new address | POST | /addresses | Authentication |
Fetch address by ID | GET | /addresses/:addressId | Authentication |
Update address | PUT | /addresses/:addressId | Authentication |
Delete address | DELETE | /addresses/:addressId | Authentication |
Set default address | PUT | /addresses/:addressId/default | Authentication |
Action | Method | Route | Access Requirements |
Fetch cart | GET | /cart | Authentication |
Add item to cart | POST | /cart/add | Authentication |
Remove item from cart | PUT | /cart/remove | Authentication |
Update item quantity | PUT | /cart/update | Authentication |
Move item to wishlist | PUT | /cart/move | Authentication |
Clear cart | PUT | /cart/clear | Authentication |
Action | Method | Route | Access Requirements |
Fetch wishlist | GET | /wishlist | Authentication |
Add item to wishlist | PUT | /wishlist/add | Authentication |
Remove item from wishlist | PUT | /wishlist/remove | Authentication |
Move item to cart | PUT | /wishlist/move | Authentication |
Clear wishlist | PUT | /wishlist/clear | Authentication |
Action | Method | Route | Access Requirements |
Fetch products | GET | /products | None |
Fetch product by ID | GET | /products/:productId | None |
Admin fetch products | GET | /admin/products | Authentication + Authorization |
Add new product | POST | /admin/products | Authentication + Authorization |
Admin fetch product by ID | GET | /admin/products/:productId | Authentication + Authorization |
Update product details | POST | /admin/products/:productId | Authentication + Authorization |
Delete product | DELETE | /admin/products/:productId | Authentication + Authorization |
Restore deleted product | PUT | /admin/products/:productId/restore | Authentication + Authorization |
Action | Method | Route | Access Requirements |
Fetch categories | GET | /categories | None |
Fetch category by ID | GET | /categories/:categoryId | None |
Fetch all categories | GET | /admin/categories | Authentication + Authorization |
Add new category | POST | /admin/categories | Authentication + Authorization |
Update category | POST | /admin/categories/:categoryId | Authentication + Authorization |
Action | Method | Route | Access Requirements |
Fetch brands | GET | /brands | None |
Fetch brand by ID | GET | /brands/:brandId | None |
Fetch all brands | GET | /admin/brands | Authentication + Authorization |
Add new brand | POST | /admin/brands | Authentication + Authorization |
Update brand | POST | /admin/brands/:brandId | Authentication + Authorization |
Action | Method | Route | Access Requirements |
Fetch valid coupons | GET | /coupons | Authentication |
Check coupon validity | GET | /coupons/validity | Authentication |
Admin fetch coupons | GET | /admin/coupons | Authentication + Authorization |
Create new coupon | POST | /admin/coupons | Authentication + Authorization |
Fetch coupon by ID | GET | /admin/coupons/:couponId | Authentication + Authorization |
Update coupon details | PUT | /admin/coupons/:couponId | Authentication + Authorization |
Delete coupon | DELETE | /admin/coupons/:couponId | Authentication + Authorization |
Activate coupon | PUT | /admin/coupons/:couponId/activate | Authentication + Authorization |
Deactivate coupon | PUT | /admin/coupons/:couponId/deactivate | Authentication + Authorization |
Action | Method | Route | Access Requirements |
Fetch orders | GET | /orders | Authentication |
Create new order | POST | /orders | Authentication |
Fetch order by ID | GET | /orders/:orderId | Authentication |
Confirm order | PUT | /orders/:orderId/confirm | Authentication |
Cancel order | PUT | /orders/:orderId/cancel | Authentication |
Admin fetch orders | GET | /admin/orders | Authentication + Authorization |
Admin fetch order by ID | GET | /admin/orders/:orderId | Authentication + Authorization |
Update order status | PUT | /admin/orders/:orderId | Authentication + Authorization |
Delete order | DELETE | /admin/orders/:orderId | Authentication + Authorization |
Action | Method | Route | Access Requirements |
Fetch product reviews | GET | /products/:productId/reviews | None |
Add product review | POST | /products/:productId/reviews | Authentication |
Fetch review by ID | GET | /reviews/:reviewId | Authentication |
Update product review | PUT | /reviews/:reviewId | Authentication |