$ sudo vi /etc/hosts ... swapp
copy docker .env file
$ copy .env.docker.dist .env.docker
build container once and start container immediately
$ docker-compose up --build web
- All commands have to be executed in workspace (symfony project root)
- Start all containers in background
$ docker-compose up -d web
- Install vendors, execute migrations and load fixtures (only at first time)
- Install vendors
$ docker-compose exec web php composer.phar install
- Execute migrations
$ docker-compose exec web php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate -n
- Load fixtures
$ docker-compose exec web php bin/console hautelook_alice:doctrine:fixtures:load -n
- Install vendors
- Activate XDebug in
- PHPStorm setup:
- Settings... -> Languages & Frameworks -> PHP -> Servers: Add
- name: has to be same as PHP_IDE_CONFIG value
- port: 80
- path-mapping: path of project root in host system
- Setting -> Languages & Frameworks -> PHP -> Debug -> DBGp Proxy:
: 9000
- Settings... -> Languages & Frameworks -> PHP -> Servers: Add
- Start containers:
$ docker-compose up -d web
- After clicking "Start Listening for PHP Debug Connections" in PHPStorm you can jump to web and cli breakpoints.
- To activate/deactivate XDebug simply adjust ENV-Variable
and restart containers (docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d
- head to ./
- in section
Prepare PHP
change the linesh -c "echo 'upload_max_filesize = 10M'
according to your needs - if you want to allow bigger image files you have to adjust this php.ini setting as well as the
option on the imageFile property inWayPoint.php
- Execute symfony command
$ docker-compose exec web php bin/console [SF-CONSOLE-COMMAND]
- Start webpack encore
$ docker-compose exec web node_modules/.bin/encore dev-server
- Show containers and their status
$ docker-compose ps
- Container shell access
$ docker-compose exec web bash
- CLI connection to MySQL:
$ mysql -u surveythor_demo -p
- Stop services/container
$ docker-compose stop
- Stop and delete container (incl. volumes, images und networks except data volumes)
$ docker-compose down
After booting container you can start EndToEnd-Tests with:
$ docker-compose exec web vendor/bin/phpunit --filter EndToEnd
If you want to watch EndToEnd-Tests then you have to start a vnc viewer and connect to for firefox and for chrome. Maybe you have to set color depth to at least 15 bit.
After download and extraction start sauce labs from outside of docker (currently there is no docker container support):
$ sc-4.4.8-linux/bin/sc -u username -k api_key -i my-tun2 --se-port 4446
Start tests:
$ docker-compose exec web vendor/bin/phpunit