This is the Repository collecting setup files to conveniently boot an instance of the IDS Open Data Connector via docker-compose. The IDS Open Data Connector is a work in progress. Please contribute by reporting issues.
More information and related projects are available at
- git
- docker
- docker-compose 3.5 or higher
- (DAPS Certificates)
To use the connector valid DAPS certificates are recommended but not necessary. Members of the IDSA can request demo certificates for the DAPS implementation of Fraunhofer AISEC at
The connector can be started without a valid DAPS certificate. The Connector has three different modes of operating the authentification process: SKIP, IDENTIFY and ENFORCE.
- In SKIP the connector skips the whole process of cummincation with the DAPS
- In IDENTIFY the connector does not check incoming messages for valid DAPS tokens, but identifies itself via a token in the response.
- In ENFORCE the connector enforces DAPS authorization on both ends
The mode can be specified as an environment variable for the odc-manager service. This can be done in the docker-compose file.
If a certificate is available it needs to be placed in a keystore file. Further a truststore containing, the SSL certficate of the DAPS needs to be available.
Place those files into a folder named certs
located in the same folder, as the docker-compose.yml. Alternatively adjust the volume path in the docker-compose to point to your keystore/truststore folder.
To start the connector manually run:
sh [-t]
The -t parameter specifies the wait time between initialisation of important containers. It defaults to 10 seconds, but may be lowered depending on the machine the connector is run on.
The connector can also be started using docker-compose up -d. However due to initialization times of containers, errors may occur. We therefore recommend using the startup script.
- git clone
(On windows machines line endings may be problematic when used with docker. The file backend\postgres\docker-entrypoint-initdb.d\ needs to use UNIX line endings.) (The database is setup using the aforementioned script. Make sure to allow mounting of files into your docker containers. )
- Run
Follow the instructions in the readme files of the individual components project folders.
The will automatically boot the connector after setup. To start the connector manually run:
sh -f docker-compose_build.yml [-t]
The -t parameter specifies the wait time between initialisation of important containers. It defaults to 10 seconds, but may be lowered depending on the machine the connector is run on.
The connector can also be started using docker-compose up -d. However due to initialization times of containers, errors may occur. We therefore recommend using the startup script.
- Frontend is available at localhost/browse
- Username: admin Password: admin
- Enter connector configuration via Konfiguration first
- Register a DataSource via Hinzufügen
- Example CKAN instance is available at
- CKAN API URL of the example instance is
- Click on the registered DataSource and enter the prompted information
- Example CKAN resource ID: b7325acb-02a0-4d19-9a13-f5f917036a1e
- Register the connector at a broker via Brokers
- Apps can be started and stopped via Apps
- The Apps view lists all currently available docker images on the system
- The docker service trims the urls of the prebuild images but will list locally built images as is