This is a basic SOAP web service project with Spring and Spring Boot.
It is a SOAP COARSE MANAGEMENT web service.
- Service delivered over the web
- Application-to-application interaction
- W3C definition: Software system designed to support interoperable (platform independent), machine-to-machine (application-to-application) interaction over a network (HTTP or queue)
- It uses XML as the request exchange format.
- It poses restrictions on the format of the XML which is exchanged between the service provider and the service consumer.
- SOAP defines a specific XML request and response format: Envelope, Header, Body
- SOAP XML Request
- SOAP XML Response
- SOAP over HTTP
- SOAP over MQ
- WSDL (Web Service Definition Language)
- contract between the service provider and service consumer
- defines the endpoints, all operations, request and response structure
- XML Schema Definition
- Defines how request and response should look like, what kind of structure should they have, and what are the valid values for each of the elements inside the request.
- Java API for XML Binding
- JAXB maven plugin will take the XSD and generate Java classes
- Wizdler Chrome plugin
- spring-boot-starter-web-services
- spring-ws-core.jar