Dimension-N is a proof-of-concept strategy for packaging, distributing & hosting multiplayer web games as npm packages.
"Alpha" is currently the only available game module for Dimension-N; while not a "playable" demo, it does demonstrate how to interface with the Dimension-N server and integrate with the auto-generated game website.
Dimension-N is inspired in-part by Pine, and is a Node Knockout 2016 entry.
git clone git@github.com:rumblex/nodeknockout2016-dimension-n.git # or clone your own fork
cd nodeknockout2016-dimension-n
npm install
npm start
Your app should now be running on localhost:5000.
- Bootstrap
- jQuery
- Socket.io
- Browserify
- CSSify
- Uglify
See package.json for full details
- Sessions still need some work; players can't yet change their player name
- Documentation
- Node Knockout 2016 Starter https://github.com/rumblex-community/nodeknockout-2016-starter
- David Guttman https://gist.github.com/davidguttman/1f61ab59349cb99d28a1
- Node Knockout https://www.nodeknockout.com/
- EngineYard https://www.engineyard.com/