README • Swiss Army Kube (umbrella repository) • Provectus
This repository is a template of a Kubeflow EKS cluster for your ML projects. Modify the
file to set up a cluster, deploy it to AWS with Terraform commands and manage with ArgoCD UI/CLI (or kubectl
) and Terraform. This simple yet powerful workflow allows you to quickly configure, provision, and replicate multiple dedicated ML-ready Kubeflow Kubernetes clusters (with different settings of variables, networks, Kubernetes versions, etc.).
- Prerequisites
- Cluster Configuration
- Cluster Deployment
- Cluster Access and Management
- Kubeflow: Example Use Case
First, fork and clone this repository. Next, create/install the following prerequisites.
- If you don't have an AWS account and IAM user yet, please use this official guide.
- Install AWS CLI using this official guide.
- Install Terraform using this official guide.
To set up your cluster, modify the following configuration files as you need:
is a backend configuration file that stores the Terraform state.
Example configuration of backend.hcl
bucket = "bucket-with-terraform-states"
key = "some-key/kubeflow-sandbox"
region = "region-where-bucket-placed"
dynamodb_table = "dynamodb-table-for-locks"
The minimal required set of variables you need to configure for your Kubeflow EKS cluster is the following:
Exaple configuration of
terraform {
backend s3 {}
module "sak_kubeflow" {
source = "git::"
cluster_name = "simple"
owner = "github-repo-owner"
repository = "github-repo-name"
branch = "branch-name"
#Main route53 zone id if exist (Change It)
mainzoneid = "id-of-route53-zone"
# Name of domains aimed for endpoints
domains = ["sandbox.some.domain.local"]
# ARNs of users who will have admin permissions.
admin_arns = [
userarn = "arn:aws:iam::<aws-account-id>:user/<username>"
username = "<username>"
groups = ["system:masters"]
# Email that would be used for LetsEncrypt notifications
cert_manager_email = "info@some.domain.local"
# An optional list of users for Cognito Pool
cognito_users = [
email = "qa@some.domain.local"
username = "qa"
group = "masters"
email = "developer@some.domain.local"
username = "developer"
argo_path_prefix = "examples/simple/"
argo_apps_dir = "argocd-applications"
In most cases, you'll need to override variables related to the GitHub repository (repository
, branch
, owner
) in the
Deploy your configured cluster with the following terraform commands:
terraform init
terraform apply
aws --region <region> eks update-kubeconfig --name <cluster-name>
What these commands do:
- Initialize Terraform and download all remote dependencies
- Create a cluster and a clean EKS with all required AWS resources (IAM roles, ASGs, S3 buckets, etc.)
- Update your local
file to access your newly created EKS cluster in the configured context
After that, you can manage your Kubernetes cluster with either ArgoCD CLI/UI or kubectl
To use kubectl
(Kubernetes CLI for cluster management), install and configure it using this official guide.
Terraform commands will generate a few files in the default apps
folder of the repository. You need to commit them in Git and push them to your Github repository to start deploying services to your EKS Kubernetes cluster.
Note that ArgoCD is pre-configured to track changes of the current repository. When new changes come to the apps
folder, it triggers the synchronization process and all objects placed in that folder get created.
Now you have your cluster deployed and ready for work. During the deployment process, two service access endpoints were created in accordance with your domains
variable settings in the
- Kubeflow
- ArgoCD
To access these URLs, check the email you provided in the domains
variable for access credentials and use them to log in. Check out this video to see the process of logging into the Kubeflow UI after cluster deployment (Vimeo):
To learn more about Kubeflow and ArgoCD, you can check out their respective official documentation:
Once you have successfully logged into your Amazon EKS cluster via kubectl
, access Kubeflow UI, pass all the configuration screens, and you’ll see the Kubeflow dashboard:
To access Kubeflow Pipelines in the UI, click Pipelines. Kubeflow offers a few samples to let you try pipelines quickly. To learn about using Kubeflow on AWS, please check the official Kubeflow documentation.
Alternatively, you can upload your own pipelines using advanced features of AWS and Kubeflow. For instance, let's upload the kmeans_mnist
demo module from the Kubeflow repository with one of the built-in AWS SageMaker algorithms - kmeans-mnist-pipeline
- Create a folder for managing separate Terraform states (with resources related to pipeline executions) and add a
file with this code:
module kmeans_mnist {
source = "path/to/kmeans-mnist-pipeline/folder/at/root/of/the/project"
cluster_name = "<your-cluster-name>"
username = "<your-kubeflow-username>"
- Run Terraform:
terraform init
terraform apply
Terraform will generate a training_pipeline.yaml
file and create a Kubernetes service account that matches your Kubeflow username and has all the required permissions for AWS for running the pipeline.
The next two steps show how to start using Kubeflow by uploading and running the pipeline. You can check out this video (Vimeo) to see the process (how to upload a pipeline via Kubeflow interface, create an experiment, and start a run):
- Upload the training pipeline to Kubflow through the Pipelines section of Kubeflow UI:
- Now that you have your first pipeline and a prepared Kubernetes service account, specify them in the form to start a run:
That's it! Now you have a pipeline executing in Kubeflow.
Any questions? Ask us on Slack: