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How to install PINT

Salvador Martínez de Bartolomé edited this page May 17, 2018 · 20 revisions

Download PINT

Go to to get the latest version of the war file pint.war

Deploy PINT in a web application server

Since PINT is a web application, you first have to setup an application server. Web application servers are programs that runs in the web server and allow to deploy a web application, in this case, a Java web application. One of the most popular web application servers is Apache Tomcat. You can go to that link and follow the instructions to install it in your server.

Once you have the web application server installed and running you can copy the pint.war file into the applications folder of the web application server. In case of tomcat, copy pint.war to $tomcat_folder/webapps. Just copying it, will deploy PINT into the server and will be accessible through the URL http://your_server//pint

But first, you need to install the mySQL database that PINT where PINT is going to store the data.

Install PINT database

PINT database is tested in a mySQL database server, but it could work on any other database system.
MySQL can be downloaded and installed for free (in case of the community edition) in your server from here. Using Windows, I personally prefer to install the MySQL Workbench which provides a visual interface to install the database server and then to start and stop it. MySQL Workbench is here.

Then, you need to create the database in the server. To do that, download this SQL script file pint_DB_structure_v1.0.sql and running. It will create the database in your server.