QSample Server is a generic name to label the repository where all the front-end code for the QSample project is stored. Strictly speaking it is much more than that: it contains the QSample presentation layer which is called the QSample Client, the QSample Server itself which is the layer inbetween the presentation and database, and finally, the database schema. For managing this three components a Docker Compose file has been created. It provides a seamless way to build and run all the components. The QSample Server and the atlas pipleline form the QSample project:
- Clone the github repo:
git clone --recurse-submodules git@github.com:proteomicsunitcrg/qsample-server.git
- Modify docker-compose.default.yml file according you server configuration.
- Modify application.yml file according you server configuration.
- Build
docker compose build --no-cache
- Run
docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d
For more detailed documentation check the wiki.
QSample Server was originally written by Marc Serret, Toni Hermoso and Roger Olivella.
We thank the following people for their assistance in the development of this project:
Eduard Sabidó, Cristina Chiva, Eva Borràs, Guadalupe Espadas, Olga Pastor, Enrique Alonso, Selena Fernández.