Update circe-generic to 0.14.7 #1083
5 errors
Prettier found 5 errors
Check failure on line 1 in components/jobs/result-tabs/PLMBlastResultsTab.vue
github-actions / Prettier
There are issues with this file's formatting, please run Prettier to fix the errors
Check failure on line 1 in i18n/lang/extras/modals/toolHelp/plmblast.ts
github-actions / Prettier
There are issues with this file's formatting, please run Prettier to fix the errors
Check failure on line 1 in i18n/lang/modules/tools-en.ts
github-actions / Prettier
There are issues with this file's formatting, please run Prettier to fix the errors
Check failure on line 1 in modules/msa/msa.min.js
github-actions / Prettier
There are issues with this file's formatting, please run Prettier to fix the errors
Check failure on line 1 in types/toolkit/results.ts
github-actions / Prettier
There are issues with this file's formatting, please run Prettier to fix the errors