Provides a UUIDField for use in your Django models.
Install it with pip (or easy_install):
pip install django-uuidfield
Simply add the UUIDField to your model. For example:
from uuidfield import UUIDField class MyModel(models.Model): uuid = UUIDField(auto=True)
This field allows you to store and reference UUID objects in your model.
In PostgreSQL, the field is represented in the database by a true UUID column type. In all other databases, it will be represented by a character field of length 32.
This field is compatible with South.
.. method:: __init__(auto=False, **standard_field_kwargs)
param auto: Used to generate a UUID for models on save when the field attribute is not provided. If set,
are implied for this field.To generate a standard UUID4, set to
. For custom UUID generation, set to a callable that accepts the model instance as its only argument.
.. module:: uuidfield.utils The ``uuidfield.utils`` module contains utilities to convert a UUID to and from a short URL safe string.
.. method:: to_short_string(value) Converts a UUID instance to a short, URL safe string (via Python's ``base64.urlsafe_b64encode`` method, stripping trailing ``'='`` padding characters).
You can use a string value as part of a UUID field lookup, for example:
>>> my_uuid = uuid.UUID('54755d26-a264-479d-bc23-3292a4e8edac') >>> MyModel.objects.create(uuid=my_uuid) >>> MyModel.objects.get(uuid=to_short_string(my_uuid)).uuid UUID('54755d26-a264-479d-bc23-3292a4e8edac')
.. method:: from_short_string(value, ignore_errors=False) Attempts to convert a string to a UUID instance. :param value: The string to be converted. :param ignore_errors: If set to ``True`` (default is ``False``) then ``None`` will be returned if any error is encountered trying to convert the string.