Installs Murmur, the official Mumble server.
Tested on Ubuntu 12.04 and Debian 6.0.6.
Will currently not work on non-Debian-likes because it uses an apt-specific installation flag, and relies on the gem_installation cookbook, which only works on Debian and Ubuntu.
Chef 11
# Let's overwrite the default password and welcome text
node.set[:murmur][:config][:variables] = {
:serverpassword => {
:value => "secretpassword"
:welcometext => {
:value => '"Come mumble with us"'
# Password for the SuperUser account
node.set[:murmur][:superuser_password] = "supersecretpassword"
# Finally, let's install
include_recipe "murmur"
Installs Murmur.
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
user | system user to create | String | murmur |
group | system user group to create | String | murmur |
init_style | How to start the murmur service. See below | String | runit |
install_style | How to install murmur. See below | String | package |
home_dir | Directory to install murmur to | String | /srv/murmur |
config_dir | Directory where config will be saved | String | /etc/murmur |
database_dir | Directory where the murmur sqlite file will be saved | String | /srv/murmur/database |
Attribute | Description | Type | Default |
variables | Config variables hash. Detailed below | Hash | check attributes/default.rb |
SysV style init script, included in the package installation.
Runit script, installed under /etc/sv/murmur/run
Install Murmur from package. Since the Mumble project does not have their own repository, these packages might be out of date.
If this is a problem for you, let me know and I'll include installation from source.
The configuration hash has an entry for every configuration setting in the following format:
:name_of_the setting => { :value => "the value for this setting",
:comment => "optionally, comments for this setting" }
# actual example
# this...
:port => {
:value => "64738",
:comment => "Port to bind TCP and UDP sockets to"
# ... will turn into this in the config file:
# Port to bind TCP und UDP sockets to