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Performing Updates
This repository is under constant development, and as such there will be regular feature additions and bug-fixes. Also make sure to read the release notes for each update, as they may include special commands you need to run.
To update a docker-based auto_rx installation, refer to the docker guide here: https://github.com/projecthorus/radiosonde_auto_rx/wiki/Docker#pulling-the-latest-version-of-the-container
For a 'native' install, use the following instructions.
Before updating, stop the auto_rx service by running:
$ sudo systemctl stop auto_rx
In many cases, you will be able to update by simply performing (in the radiosonde_auto_rx directory):
$ git pull
If you are given a warning along the lines of your local changes to the following files would be overwritten
, then you've made some kind of change to the version-controlled parts of auto_rx. If you wish to keep the changes, then copy out the listed files somewhere else. Then, to revert the auto_rx files back to their version-controlled versions, run git stash
, and then re-run git pull
Then you should re-build the decoder binaries by running:
$ cd auto_rx
$ ./build.sh
New features will likely involve changes or additions to the configuration file. The Configuration File Change-log also provides information on what settings have been added/changed for each release.
Once all the updates have been performed, restart the auto_rx service using:
$ sudo systemctl restart auto_rx
If your station has been operating using Python 2 for years, and has now broken with recent updates (e.g. ImportError: cannot import name JSONDecodeError
), then it's time to update your station to run using Python 3.
You can either start from scratch with a fresh Raspbian install (and if you are running an old version of Raspbian e.g. stretch, this is a very good idea...), or you should be able to get the required Python 3 dependencies by running:
$ sudo apt-get install python3 python3-numpy python3-setuptools python3-crcmod python3-requests python3-dateutil python3-pip python3-flask
$ cd ~/radiosonde_auto_rx/auto_rx/
$ git pull
$ sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt
You will then need to update the auto_rx systemd service file to reflect the switch from python to python3, which you can do using:
$ sudo cp auto_rx.service /etc/systemd/system/
You may now need to edit the systemd file to include your username, if it is not pi
, by running sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/auto_rx.service
Now, reload the service file by running:
$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
Now you should be good to restart auto_rx!